• If sliders are located on any page but last they loose their value during page navigation as the value doesn’t get into “value” attribute of an “input” tag.

    Tested with “slider_label_backend.php“. This is due non standard processing of the field. This is fixed code that matches recommended approach from https://docs.gravityforms.com/gf_field/#h-get-field-input .

    $mrsgf_valueee = '';
    if($mrsgf_entry_detail) {
    $mrsgf_valueee = $value;
    } else {
    $mrsgf_valueee = esc_attr(rgpost("input_{$mrsgfid}"));

    Would appreciate if this fix would be included into next version of the plugin and don’t break my forms on update. Wouldn’t want to stop using this useful plugin just because of such simple bug.


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