• This official plugin from twitter only allows you to add 3 meta tags to your WP post:
    twitter:site (your twitter username)
    twitter:title (title of WP post)
    twitter:description (first 140-280 chars of the WP post)

    The plugin does not generate twitter:image. So when the URL for your WP post is tweeted, I assume an image is not included in the tweet. I did not actually test this on my production website, but I could see there was no twitter:image element in the WP rendering of the localhost post.

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  • there are two type of twitter card: summary_large_image and summary

    <meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary_large_image” />
    if you need change to large image, you need add below code to twitter.php manually, not in the admin panel,shame:

    function twitter_card_type( $card_type, $query_type, $object_id )
      return 'summary_large_image';
    add_filter('twitter_card_type', 'twitter_card_type', 10, 3);

    more information from: https://github.com/twitter/wordpress/wiki/Cards

    I am going to vote 1 star, not good plugin, really wast time.

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