• I got this plugin to work once, creating a zip file successfully. Since then, it hasn’t worked again. I changed the settings so that it would write individual files to a specified directory instead of creating a zip file. All I got in the debug log was:

    [2018-07-10 23:07:47] [class-ss-plugin.php:232] Received request to start generating a static archive
    [2018-07-10 23:07:47] [class-ss-archive-creation-job.php:61] Starting a job; no job is presently running
    [2018-07-10 23:07:47] [class-ss-archive-creation-job.php:62] Here’s our task list: setup, fetch_urls, create_zip_archive, wrapup
    [2018-07-10 23:07:47] [class-ss-archive-creation-job.php:76] Pushing first task to queue: setup

    If I press the cancel button, I get these additional lines in the log:

    [2018-07-10 23:14:39] [class-ss-plugin.php:235] Received request to cancel static archive generation
    [2018-07-10 23:14:39] [class-ss-archive-creation-job.php:183] Cancelling job; job is not done
    [2018-07-10 23:14:39] [class-ss-archive-creation-job.php:194] The queue isn’t empty; overwriting current task with a cancel task

    But the job never gets completed or canceled. The only way to convince the plugin to try again is to press the “Reset Plugin Settings” button, although no subsequent attempts to generate static files yield any different results.

    I tried using the default settings again after a reset (leaving the option to write to a zip file in place), and I can’t convince it to do anything anymore.

    I am running on my local dev machine, which is a Mac OS X 10.11.6, with apache and PHP 7.2.7. The default directory (‘static-files’ under the plugin directory) and the directory that I tried specifying for individual files both have 777 permissions, so I don’t think that’s the issue.

    I am not seeing anything in the apache error_log, the WP debug.log, or the custom error_log specified in the vhost declaration. Trying to do some line-by-line tracing in the plugin code, but it’s slow going.

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  • I have the exact same problem, it’s too bad no one else responded. In my case, the Diagnostics section is all green except for “Checking if WordPress can make requests to itself”. The generate button has been running for a day with no output, and I can’t cancel it. I’m thinking to remove & reinstall the plugin at this point, and/or reset it.

    same here.
    even tried the reset, but it didn’t help.

    the same problem too.
    Wordpress 4.9.8, simply static 2.1.0 static in localhost

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by tlt.

    I too have exactly this … would LOVE to get it going

    sounds similar to my issues.

    I would love to have this work.

    I found some ways to fix the “can’t ping itself” issue. What I had to do is to add a couple entries to my /etc/hosts file. In my case, with my wordpress box running on an AWS EC2 server, I added the IP address cited in the diagnostics report entry, and I also added and pointed both to the url of my wordpress install.

    While this fixed the issue – it appears the cancel job can’t truly cancel. Just spins forever.

    This appears to have to do with entries it puts in the wp-settings table to track its status. I can clear those records and then I’m able to restart generation job.

    Sucks but seems to work for that issue.

    Then there’s the “fix the forever but never cancel” issue.

    Here’s what I did.

    Again, I’m on an EC2 server, and it has a locally install mysql server. I don’t have PHPMyAdmin or anything so I had fix this via command line.

    Here’s what I did:

    1. run the query select * from wp_options where option_name like ‘%static%’; This will give you the entries that are related to the state of things with the plugin.

    2. Look for the record that has the option_name “simply static”. This is the record that contains the current stuck job”. If you delete this record the button resets to the start generation state. You do run the risk of erasing your settings if they differ from the default stuff so check that.

    3. This will let you start the job again…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by mscience.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by mscience.
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