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  • I’m having a similar issue. There’s always at least one that won’t post and requires re broadcasting.

    Are there any known issues with other plugins that may be affecting this? It was all working fine but suddenly stopped performing well about 2 weeks ago. Trouble is I can’t remember which plugins I’ve installed since.

    Any help appreciated.



    I too have this problem. It broadcasts to twitter just fine, but the last broadcast to Facebook was January 29th, 2013.

    Now getting this error:

    “Social failed to broadcast the blog post “…” to one or more of your Social accounts.

    Facebook: … (Call to a member function getImageInfo() on a non-object)

    Possible fixes:
    Social was not successful in broadcasting this post (perhaps the service is down?), please try broadcasting again. If you receive this message repeatedly, you can try the support forums.”

    we have also had this issue in the past, a few months ago, but it fixed itself without us updating the plugin or anything on our side. Please help



    Since I wrote I have cured my problem. I uninstalled the Social plugin completely and I deleted any connection apps in Facebook and Twitter, then re-installed Social and set up my accounts again, installing new apps on FB and Twitter. it now works perfectly across all accounts. If that helps anyone so be it.

    My diagnosis is that some remnants of plugins or live plugins I had installed had changed something in the workings of Social.

    I have had no side effects in other plugins by re-installing Social from scratch.

    My future plan is to keep a closer eye on the plugins I install should this happen again.




    Thank you roynorry…the uninstall/re-install didn’t work for me exactly, I still had the same problem. BUT what I did notice is that we have 2 facebook accounts and one was being broadcast to and the other was not.

    In the setting both fb pages were enabled but not set to default (although we manually checked them after scheduling the post). Don’t know if Social was having a conflict with the 2 fb pages or not, but I set both pages to default and made a post and it broadcast to all the accounts perfectly.

    A Moderator or Developer may have more to say on this, but much to roynorry’s suggestion of uninstall/re-install and my adjusting a few things in the settings, the plugin just might need a little “kick” to get working properly again.

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