• What can I say. This is the classic example of a plugin being on the right train, but on the wrong track.

    If you’re here then your probably pretty familiar how both Ultimate Member and WP Job Manager work. Well focusing on Ultimate Member. You know using UM give you two ways to display content. An Account page and an User Profile page. And this where things start to go a bit off track.

    Instead of breaking WP Job Manager up between the two pages. It throws everything at The User Profile page. Where some info should go on the Account page as well.

    “Job Postings” and “Post a Job” should go on the account side of things, because its dealing with account type information. Where as “Bookmarks” and “Job Listings” should go on the user profile, because they’re dealing with informative content.

    Hopefully the author of this plugin see’s this post and fixes this. Or at least, gives the option where to place WP Job Manager content.

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  • Plugin Author Kishores


    Thanks for your feedback I will check and rectify. Well if you any suggestion you are welcome. can you explain more on this so that I will change but, I need view of other users. No one asked me regarding this one. So before changing it i need to ask others too. I can not change right now.

    Well for particular one user well I can give hacks so he can fix on his side. If you need, please list it. I will try to fix. Hopefully after that you can review your ratings ??


    Plugin Author Kishores


    Here is the code to add in account page

    /* add new tab called "job_dashboard" */
    add_filter('um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'job_dashboard_tab_in_um', 100 );
    function job_dashboard_tab_in_um( $tabs ) {
    	$tabs[800]['job_dashboard']['icon'] = 'um-faicon-briefcase';
    	$tabs[800]['job_dashboard']['title'] = 'Job Dashboard';
    	$tabs[800]['job_dashboard']['custom'] = true;
    	return $tabs;
    /* make our new tab hookable */
    add_action('um_account_tab__job_dashboard', 'um_account_tab__job_dashboard');
    function um_account_tab__job_dashboard( $info ) {
    	global $ultimatemember;
    	extract( $info );
    	$output = $ultimatemember->account->get_tab_output('job_dashboard');
    	if ( $output ) { ?>
    	<div class="um-account-heading uimob340-hide uimob500-hide"><i class="<?php echo $icon; ?>"></i><?php echo $title; ?></div>
    	<?php echo $output;
    /* Finally we add some content in the tab */
    add_filter('um_account_content_hook_job_dashboard', 'um_account_content_hook_job_dashboard');
    function um_account_content_hook_job_dashboard( $output ){
    	<div class="um-field">
    		<!-- Here goes your custom content -->
    		<?php echo do_shortcode( '[job_dashboard]' ); ?>
    	$output .= ob_get_contents();
    	return $output;

    for details : https://gist.github.com/ultimatemember/f7eab149cb33df735b08

    Plugin Author Kishores


    Now if you want to remove the job dashboard tab from profile then

    ***	@add tabs based on user
    add_filter('um_user_profile_tabs', 'um_job_dashboard_user_add_tab', 1000 );
    function um_job_dashboard_user_add_tab( $tabs ) {
    	$tabs['job_manager']['subnav_default'] = 'jobs'; // chnage the default sub nav to jobs from job_dashboard
    	//echo "<pre>"; print_r($tabs['job_manager']); echo "</pre>";
    	unset( $tabs['job_manager']['subnav']['job_dashboard'] ); // now unset the job_dashboard tab
    	return $tabs;

    Please let me know if it helps ??

    Please review the rating once. thank you

    Plugin Author Kishores


    Please let me know if it helps ??

    Please review the rating once. thank you.

    Thread Starter iaclayton


    Sorry if this sounds rude or mean, and that is not my intentions at all. But I can not in good conscience give this plugin an higher review. Even thou you gave me the answer to the problem that I was having.

    I say this because you had to give me code to make the plugin work seamlessly with both WP Job manager and Ultimate Member. Your plugin did not do that naturally. Like I was made to believe.

    You remarked,”Well if you any suggestion you are welcome. Can you explain more on this so that I will change but, I need view of other users.” And I will try to better explain.

    This plugin behaves like if it were made for Buddypress. And what I mean by that is that on BP, everything is controlled from the tabs placed on the User’s Profile page. But using UM you have two pages to choose from.

    Look at the UM core extensions. They are split between the two pages (User&Account). Example being Notifications. See how the control option on on the account page instead of the Profile page. Because it would naturally go there. It more of an backend thing for the user. Not some that you would put on the profile.

    And that’s why UM is Better than BP. It doesn’t try to stick every option on the profile page using tabs. And your plugin should try to operate in the same manner. Every Wp Job Manger option should not be thrown onto the profile page like BP. Resumes. Yes. Job Listing. Yes.
    Job Postings. No. Post a Job. No. No. No.

    Hopefully that sheds more light on why I only will give this plug in 2 stars. And stand firm on that decision.

    Plugin Author Kishores


    Well if you will add code to the theme function file, it will resolve your issues. (All Done).

    If there is a bug you should give bad rating, otherwise I think it is misleading.
    Well without giving a support request, it is very bad to give rating like this.

    Anyways hope this will help you fix issues in UM.

    If something works and but does not work the way you want, then give poor rating and even when you give the solution to them.

    Ok no problem. take care good luck

    Thread Starter iaclayton


    Wow that was rude. And to answer your comment. No, to say something has seamless integration when you have to add code to make it work(in an logical manner) is misleading. And that’s why I will standby my 2 star review.

    Good Day Sir.

    I agree, you should NOT give bad ratings unless plugins have bugs or errors. You should be thankful the developer gave you a mod for free.

    iaclayton – you are wrong.

    I haven’t tried this plugin yet but can tell you that your opinion isn’t a valid reason for a negative review. Just because it doesn’t do things the way YOU want it to, doesn’t mean that it’s not a great plugin.

    Your opinion is wrong anyway. Why would you want the job postings and the submit job form on the account page? The account page isn’t designed for this and they are not account settings despite what you may think.

    The developer even offered a solution to your customization request (not a bug or problem). Your clearly just ungrateful for the hard work this developer has done and provided you with for free.

    I’ll be testing this plugin now and leave a fair review when I’m done.

    iaclayton your review and your replies are rude. You should have ask directly before rating and your reasons are not valid for bad review.
    Plugin author tried to be nice and you replied with worst attitude again.

    I will try the plugin now regardless your personal opinion.

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