yes, I set up a test site, it seems to work fine in terms of letting me add your tags (so it presents the proper add tag picklist box) for the wp-types-created types. I am not sure how to display your tags on a page.
Basically wptypes said we might have better luck with their demo release, but I suspect the problem is just that I’m just used to picking my fields from a list to display them. Also wptypes adds a prefix that you don’t. wp-types also offered to work on this, and this is a good time to fix problems before their next release.
I suspect your plugin would be easier than other ways of relating cpt’s.
I dearly love wp-types, so I’d love it if they could play nicely.
If you contact me at my username here at gmail. I’d like to get this up and running. A great team, cpt-onomies and wp-types.
Love the new site.
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