• Resolved normalperson-c6


    I have connected my Cloudflare (Pro) site with WP Fastest Cache (free, for now). When I delete the WPFC cache using the plugin, does it do the same on Cloudflare automatically?

    Basically, do I need to ‘purge all’ on Cloudflare or does the WPFC plugin take care of it? Thanks.

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  • Plugin Author Emre Vona


    you need to add the Cloudflare integration as below to purge cache of Cloudflare automatically.


    Thread Starter normalperson-c6


    OK I have that setup. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Emre Vona


    you are welcome ?? if you vote, you make me so happy.?

    Thread Starter normalperson-c6


    Already taken care of.

    I noticed the Cloudflare update to WPFC this week. It was working well, and my cache hit % was going up, but then the purges came back…

    Is there any way to know from the Cloudflare Audit Log if the purge everything requests are from WPFC or the Cloudflare APO plugin itself? My whole Cloudflare cache is getting wiped every time I approve a comment.

    This is what the Audit Log looks like. It seems to be 3 requests to purge the zone completely:

    View post on imgur.com

    Does that look like a WPFC request? It doesn’t have much information… but the IP address is my origin server, not my Cloudflare IP. (So I guess it’s one of these plugins doing it.)

    In WPFC I have set it to NOT purge all on new/updated post/page, and it seems to be working as expected. WPFC is not deleting its whole cache every time. (Auto purge is also turned off in Cloudflare plugin, but the APO service overrides it.)

    Anyone else here using the Cloudflare APO service + WPFCS?

    Plugin Author Emre Vona


    did you add the cloudflare integration as below?

    Thread Starter normalperson-c6


    Yes. That’s my current testing config.

    I want to make it clear: I don’t know if this is a WPFC problem. It could be Cloudflare’s own plugin sending those requests. Cloudflare APO controls many things “behind the scenes” that aren’t explained much because it’s a new service.

    That’s why I ask, is there anything in the Cloudflare Audit Log I showed that you can use to identify where the purge request came from? Or other logs somewhere?

    Or… maybe the easiest/best idea: Show a small log for us in our WordPress dashboard of the last 5-10 API calls that WPFC has made.

    Just an example of what I mean:

    – [Server date/time]: WPFC successfully purged everything in the Cloudflare cache. (Request sent because a new post was published – check settings to change purge sensitivity.)
    – [Server date/time]: WPFC successfully purged some of the Cloudflare cache. (Request sent because posts/categories/etc were updated – check settings to change purge sensitivity.)
    – [Server date/time]: WPFC could not communicate with Cloudflare. (Attempted to purge cache but API call was unauthorized or timed out.)
    – [Server date/time]: WPFC has detected a conflict with your Cloudflare settings. (??? – check the Cloudflare settings via API and report something about it.)

    Plugin Author Emre Vona


    can you remove the cloudflare integration and add as below again please?

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