• i want my site like professagrafix.com
    not the same images / files
    but the same scripts

    can i find them here ?
    or they belong to them only?

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  • That site uses a bespoke theme:

    Theme Name: Professa Grafix
    Theme URI: https://www.pgnola.com/
    Description: Professa Grafix theme designed by 723media.com
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Davey Montooth – 723Media
    Author URI: https://www.723media.com/
    Tags: dark, horizontal

    Hey salim-s,

    I designed the professagrafix.com site. I would be more than hapy to talk to you about designing something similar for you.

    To answer the question, it doesn’t actually use anything more than jquery and a few creative styling concepts.

    Thanks esmi for posting the info on the theme. That site is a fairly old design but it still gets attention. Glad people like it.

    If anybody would like to contact me regarding design please feel free to at dmontooth.at.723media.com

    I am actually looking for some interesting projects.


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