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  • As the problem seems to be the conversion of the PDF to a jpg, I just upload the files as jpg which then works. At least for me right now, until this is fixed.

    Thread Starter OnePressTech


    Can you elaborate how that would work? I can imagine how to convert the pdf file into an image series manually but how do you get the plug-in to recognise the series as a flipbook (i.e. in the database)?

    If it’s only a one page existing or new document, just import the jpg file like you would with a PDF (make sure you use the highest quality while converting from PDF to jpg)

    For documents with multiple pages you need access to your account via FTP.

    Go to wp-content/uploads/pdf-light-viewer, if it’s a existing document just replace the jpg’s (make sure you use the highest quality while converting from PDF to jpg) in the main folder and the thumbs in the thumbs folder (100×76).

    If you have to create a new document, you need to first “Import new PDF” but use a jpg. This will generate the short-code ([pdf-light-viewer id=”xxx”] and the folder in the wordpress directory xxx. Thereafter you just need to upload all the documents (file name like this = page-00001.jpg and so on and for the thumps like this = page-00001-100×76.jpg and so on)

    This works perfectly for me, more work but the end result is the same.

    I hope this helps…

    Thread Starter OnePressTech


    Thanks for the details…Nice work-around…thanks…much appreciated ??

    Plugin Author antongorodezkiy


    @jakobbader, @onepresstech

    Another possible workaround I can imagine is to use + where possible to sync some local site with remote.

    @onepresstech, sure, we will search for alternative solutions. The first one was to include GraphicsMagick support but I think that wouldn’t help a lot for the most of users unfortunately as it’s just a fork of ImageMagick.

    Hi Antongorodezkly

    Thank you for getting back to us, however it’s ratter late ??

    I switched to which unfortunately doesn’t look so need but it does work and it’s supper easy to use.

    Thank you for your work, I hope you get it sorted out.



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