The problem occurs with EVERY image I have on vilmosk? You can try with:
or with the punycode variant:
In both cases I get the “UH, OH, THE GIVEN URL SEEMS TO BE BROKEN. PLEASE CHECK THE LINK OR CHOOSE A DIFFERENT ONE” error when trying to use the website image optimization quick test.
It seems that log files indicate that optimization of images from my site was started and even completed on your server, but it never completed on my site as NO OPTIMIZED IMAGE WAS DOWNLOADED TO MY SITE. For ALL images I submitted for optimization (e.g. https://vilmosk?, the media browser AFTER DAYS still shows the status “Bild wartet auf Verarbeitung”/”Image waiting to be processed”.
I could provide a screenshot, but there’s no way to attach an image here ?? So instead find the screenshot of the media browser following this link: And the screenshot of ShortPixel statistics:
Also a screenshot of the image optimization quick test:
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This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by