Hi @bsoftde, can you please let me know which sentence on our website gave that impression? We’ll see how we can improve it.
We do provide free support for the free version of WP RSS Aggregator here on the forums. In fact, we try to reply to all free support requests within a day or two unless it’s a particularly busy period.
The site not being online won’t make a difference, but I may know what’s wrong.
The preview shows just that, a preview of the items to be imported, but they are not yet imported unless you see them in the “Feed Items” list.
When the update interval is rising and the number of imported items is zero, the most likely cause is stuck cron. This issue is explained further here – https://kb.wprssaggregator.com/article/120-issues-with-cron-jobs
There are other possible causes for this listed here: https://kb.wprssaggregator.com/category/80-feed-items-or-posts-not-importing
Can you please have a quick look at these and let me know whether any of them solve the importing issue for you? If not, we can take a closer look at your setup to see what’s going on.
Thank you for getting back to me and for giving us a chance to help you resolve this.