• Resolved LSBK



    I’m using Feedzy 2.8

    Since upgrade to WP 4.5 Feedzy doe not open this feed (IE11 and Firefox can open it both)
    [feedzy-rss feeds="https://hossa-talk.de/feed/mp3/" max="99" feed_title="yes" target="_blank" meta="yes" summary="yes" thumb="auto" ]

    I could open it some days ago. Any idea?



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  • Plugin Contributor Hardeep Asrani



    It appears to be an issue with the feed. It’s working with other feeds just not this one. Are you able to read that feed using a feed reader?

    Let me know. ??


    Thread Starter LSBK


    I can open it with Firefox, Internet Explorer 11 and https://www.feed-reader.net/

    The feed starts this way: Is atom a problem?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
    	xmlns:itunes="https://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" xmlns:psc="https://podlove.org/simple-chapters" xmlns:content="https://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:fh="https://purl.org/syndication/history/1.0" >
    	<title>Hossa Talk ()</title>
    	<description>Jay & Gofi erkl?ren die Welt</description>
    	<lastBuildDate>Sun, 24 Apr 2016 12:41:37 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <image><url>https://hossa-talk.de/wp-content/cache/podlove/29/9e8436390b6fa44493f70fa512e158/hossa-talk_original.png</url><title>Hossa Talk</title><link>https://hossa-talk.de</link></image>
    <atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" title="Hossa Talk ()" href="https://hossa-talk.de/feed/mp3/" />
    	<atom:link rel="first" href="https://hossa-talk.de/feed/mp3/" />
    	<language>de-DE</language>	<atom:link rel="payment" title="Flattr this!" href="https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=gofimueller&popout=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhossa-talk.de%2F&language=de_DE&category=audio&title=Hossa+Talk&description=Jay+und+Gofi+erkl%C3%A4ren+die+Welt&tags=podcast%2C+blog" type="text/html" />
    <generator>Podlove Podcast Publisher v2.3.9</generator>
    	<itunes:author>J. Friedrich, G. Müller</itunes:author>
    	<itunes:summary>HOSSA TALK ist ein Podcast von Jakob Friedrichs – besser bekannt als JAY – und Gottfried Müller – besser bekannt als GOFI – , der sich inhaltlich um alles das dreht, was die beiden wichtig finden. Fast immer (aber eben nicht immer) hat das was mit Christsein zu tun und mit der Frage, wie sich Christsein in einer komplexen, widersprüchlichen und manchmal chaotischen Welt leben l?sst.
    Hin und wieder laden Jay und Gofi Talk-G?ste ein, von denen sie glauben, dass diese eine interessante Sicht der Dinge zum Gespr?ch beitragen k?nnen. Manchmal stimmt das sogar.</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:category text="Religion & Spirituality"><itunes:category text="Christianity"></itunes:category></itunes:category><itunes:category text="Comedy"></itunes:category><itunes:category text="Society & Culture"></itunes:category>

    I did not install this plugin, why does it continue to show up in my plugins folder – I have deleted multiple times!

    Plugin Contributor Hardeep Asrani


    Hi LSBK,

    Yes, it’s working on Firefox now. It’s also working with the plugin now: https://nimbus.everhelper.me/client/notes/share/461877/s96v6uc9wib3rfta46ep

    Whatever wasn’t working with the feed is seems to be working fine. Let me know. ??


    Plugin Contributor Hardeep Asrani



    Please always create a new thread for your questions. “Hijacking” someone’s thread is against forum guidelines.

    Try to delete the plugin using your FTP/Filemanage or WPIde plugin. It could be a server issue or maybe caused by some plugin.

    Let me know. ??

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