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  • Plugin Author jazzs3quence


    It should work fine. What does your shortcode look like? It should be something like this:

    [wppb progress=0]

    I have it working over here:
    I turned on the progress display so you can see that it’s showing 0%.

    Plugin Author jazzs3quence


    Alternately, if you are having problems, you can override the color option for a zero value, something like this should work:

    [wppb progress=100 color=#555 option=flat]

    In this case, we’re setting the progress to 100% but it doesn’t matter because the color is the same as the background color, so it will be “invisible”. The “flat” option will remove the inner shadow that appears on the progress bar so it looks the same as the background.

    Thread Starter foulmouthedleon


    Hmmm, well I’m using these dynamically inside a widget (PHP Code widget), so here’s the code, it looks identical to the others, it just varies on video, audio and extras.

      global $wp_query;
      $postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
      if( get_post_meta($postid, 'Rankextras', true))  {
        echo '[fontawesome icon="gift" circle="no" size="medium" iconcolor="black" circlecolor="" circlebordercolor=""]<img width="200" height="70"  src="/images/scores/extras_' . get_post_meta($postid, 'Rankextras', true) . '.png">';
      } elseif( get_post_meta($postid, 'ecpt_rankextras', true)) {
        echo '<i class="icon-gift icon-2x"> Extras</i>[wppb progress="' . get_post_meta($postid, 'ecpt_rankextras', true) . '" color="#3399ff" gradient="-0.2" fullwidth="true" option=animated-candystripe]<br clear="all">';

    I even hard-coded it as [wppb progress=0] and it still didn’t display.

    Plugin Author jazzs3quence


    I think I may see the problem.

    elseif( get_post_meta($postid, 'ecpt_rankextras', true))

    Here you’re checking for the value of the extras rank, right? But the value is 0, which is false, so your extras bit is always going to be false and not display. Which is probably the case for all of your rankings.

    Since 0 is a valid value for you, I think it’s probably safe to just remove that check. The only danger of that would be if you actually wanted to omit those and have them not display. In that case, you’d probably want to fiddle around with it — I’m not sure if null is the same thing as false and whether you could do a check for a 0 value as opposed to an empty value.

    Thread Starter foulmouthedleon


    You are correct, 0 is a valid value for the reviews (though I think the only instance of an actual 0 value would be the extras – where there are none). And the code does work for any other value (10, 20, 30, etc.). So I’m not sure what I’d need to change (feel free to post it here if you know – I’m lost).

    Plugin Author jazzs3quence


    Actually, you know, I just noticed something else in your code. You’ve got a couple shortcodes and you’re doing a straight echo instead of an echo do_shortcode();…Here’s how I think your code should work, granted, I don’t know which of your meta values control what, so you may need to make adjustments:

    	global $wp_query;
    	$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
    	if( get_post_meta($postid, 'Rankextras', true)) {
    		echo do_shortcode( '[fontawesome icon="gift" circle="no" size="medium" iconcolor="black" circlecolor="" circlebordercolor=""]' ) . '<img width="200" height="70" src="/images/scores/extras_' . get_post_meta($postid, 'Rankextras', true) . '.png">';
    	} else {
    		echo '<i class="icon-gift icon-2x"> Extras</i>' . do_shortcode( '[wppb progress="' . get_post_meta($postid, 'ecpt_rankextras', true) . '" color="#3399ff" gradient="-0.2" fullwidth="true" option=animated-candystripe]' ) . '<br clear="all">';

    The do_shortcode may or may not do anything for you since it seems to be working as it is now, but it’s the right way to handle shortcodes in PHP.

    Thread Starter foulmouthedleon


    Ok, that did the trick. Not sure why (even though you explained it) and as I’m sure you can tell, I didn’t write the original code. I’ll make the other adjustments to the rest of the sections.

    Now if I can figure out how to change that background color from #555 to #ccc I’ll be a happy camper!

    Thank you Chris, I appreciate the help!

    Plugin Author jazzs3quence



    div.wppb-progress {
         background: #ccc!important;
    Thread Starter foulmouthedleon


    Perfect. Thanks again!

    Plugin Author jazzs3quence


    No problem. Nice site you have going there. I like the way you’ve implemented the progress bars. ??

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