• My developer added this to my site to help fix a problem I was having with my feeds.

    The plugin actively stopped my feeds from updating, and when they did update, stopped visitors from getting to my site. I don’t know how it was doing this, but when I switched to another caching plugin, the problem went away.

    Then I discovered that even though the plugin was disabled, it was still actively affecting my site- especially interdicting traffic.

    My developer tried to delete the plugin but says it causes problems on the site when deleted.

    So, I can’t shut it completely off, and I can’t safely delete it.

    THEN WordFence started sending me emails telling me that files in Comet cache contained malicious code.

    I sent the plugin developers an email about all of this. They wrote back that they had gotten it, and then silence.

    Dangerous plugin.

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  • @btcwarrior In the future, please post on the support forum for help with your issues before posting a review.

    THEN WordFence started sending me emails telling me that files in Comet cache contained malicious code.

    There is no malicious code in the Comet Cache plugin files that can be downloaded from www.remarpro.com or CometCache.com. If Wordfence reported otherwise, then Wordfence is producing a false-positive. If your website is infected with malware and Comet Cache caches the infected pages on your site, Wordfence might report malicious code in the cached files, but this in no way indicates that Comet Cache produced the malicious code.

    Then I discovered that even though the plugin was disabled, it was still actively affecting my site- especially interdicting traffic.

    If Comet Cache is disabled, it cannot be affecting your site. We provide instructions on the Frequently Asked Questions page here on www.remarpro.com that explains how you can remove Comet Cache if you have trouble deactivating it from the WordPress Admin. Following these instructions removes Comet Cache . We also have removal instructions in a KB article on our website.

    If you have some other caching system in place, either via another plugin or via your web hosting company, then those other caching systems could serve a cache when Comet Cache is disabled, but Comet Cache cannot serve a cache when the plugin is disabled.

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