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  • It’s not smartphone-optimized, but LBPCB definitely works on my basic LG Optimus V smartphone. One can press the left/right side of the lightbox to move fwd/bkwds by default and display performance is very good, even on a basic Android 2.2.2 smartphone. I’m happy I adopted LBPCB and my client is happy too….



    I use Lightbox Plus ColorBox on one my client site that intended to be mobile friendly. He tested the website on different mobile devices and told me it works correctly.

    I tried many similar plugins, but they can’t show image correctly on mobile phones. This Lightbox Plus ColorBox is a 5 stars plugin.

    I’ve noticed that on the iPhone when viewing a large image, you can swipe across the image to view it, but it always snaps back to the default position – is there a way to stop this behaviour?



    Both Lightbox Plus ColorBox and WP jQuery Lightbox can support mobile devices. But I don’t have smartphone nor iPhone. Can anyone please test them on various mobile devices and report back which has better mobile support?

    Images are working fine on my iPad mini, but for some reason the videos don’t. The lightbox comes up, but no video player ever loads. Is there a reason for that?

    Yeah actually, it works fine on the iPad for images as well. But the iPhone keeps snapping it back to the top left corner when thumbing across it to read.

    Figured it out, you have to use the “embed” code from YouTube not the /v/ code

    Images still snap back to the load position with Twenty Eleven theme. If anyone would like to test this on my site, go to and click on one of the “chicken strips” on an iPhone.

    Hi, I had to try another lightbox (Fancybox) and it works fine now. If anyone figures this out, let me know and thanks.

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