• hi
    is anyone using Kitten’s Spaminator? Does it work on the spam Trackbacks & Pingbacks? After I installed it, all that huge amount of comment spam that I got, was caught & deleted but for the past 2 days, I’ve been getting spam Trackbacks & Pingbacks from everywhere & Spaminator is not acting on them. Can anyone suggest why?

    The trackbacks & pingbacks doesn’t contain any links or blacklisted words, so maybe that’s why Spaminator is not catching them. Just some nonsense like


    from some freak named mbvnwugc from the IP Clearly the purpose of this is not link popularity as its in comment spam. I think that this is a frustrated reaction of the spammer as he can’t get any of his spam comments through my defenses.

    Can anyone suggest anything? Please do not suggest closing down trackbacks etc on old posts as I wouldn’t want to block legit trackbacks to old posts of mine.

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  • ouwereus: Changing the file permissions for wp-trackback.php to 700 didn’t work. Anybody know how to get this done? (Oh yeah, I’ve just been getting ripped as well.) Thanks… =)

    Thread Starter Amit Gupta



    I don’t understand how it got through because:

    a) I close my comments after 10 days
    b) The trackback was for a post made back in October 2004

    Its because shutting off comments is not same as shutting off trackbacks & pingbacks. each of them needs to be shutoff seperately.

    The spammer hasn’t made any trackbacks/pingbacks in the last couple of days but I’m sure he or someone will be back at it again.

    Something must be done about this.


    A couple of solutions are there now.

    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    podz, the solution to trackback spam that you have there is of no actual use, not atleast to me. I just don’t trust Spaminator completely, so even after having it enabled, I’ve also got moderation of all comments/trackbacks/pingbacks enabled so that every comment/trackback/pingback that survives Spaminator ends up in moderation & I approve it before it appears. So as suggested on that page, trackbacks already end up in moderation for me. The second solution suggested is to close trackbacks which I won’t, as I said in my first post. Just b’coz I’m being hit by spammers, I won’t give in by closing them & leaving out the odd legit trackback that I might get.
    And the problem is that spam trackbacks/pingbacks aren’t just 2-3 in number, they are a lot more, sometimes more than 50, sometimes more than 200, making it tough to delete them. ??

    And don’t forget that this is new to the devs and the coders too – they are working on it, but this is all free stuff, they have other things to do etc etc etc.

    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    yeah I know. I’m not new to it so don’t give me that free stuff thing. ??
    I was just saying that this is an important issue, just like comment spam & needs to be dealt with asap.

    If you get the current version of Spaminator from the plugins repo:

    and are using a nightly from Jan/05/05 or later, it’ll filter comments, trackbacks and pingbacks.

    Hi Kitten,

    What about the current version of Spaminator with using a Mingus?
    Is it as effective as using a nightly?

    My understanding is that it is not backwards-compatible.


    Version 1.0rc3 and older will work on WP 1.2.2 and older, but they won’t check trackbacks. That’s only for the recent nightlies.

    Basically, since WP CVS has gone beta, the API has stabilised, and hopfully will be released soon enough. The move from alpha -> beta was enough to spur me to focus on the upcoming release, rather than retrofit trackback checking code into 1.2.x.

    Don’t use beta software on a production blog, unless you like your site to be “interesting.”

    Thank you very much, NuclearMoose and Kitten.

    I use 1.0rc4 with Mingus, to be exact, Japanese Version v1.2.3 based on Mingus (https://wordpress.xwd.jp/).

    Since I’m a newbie to PHP, I don’t have the guts to upgrade it to beta version. I guess I have to deal with spam trackbacks and referer spams somehow until the new version gets stable enough for me to upgrade.

    In the meantime, I use Spaminator, .htaccess file, and Blacklist. What else can I add?

    Bampi: Perhaps you can disable all pings thru phpMyAdmin until you upgrade. Thinking more like what Kitten just said above (not to use beta software on a production blog), mine isn’t that much of a production blog – so I’ll probably upgrade so Spaminator can be more effective. Plus, I like to be interesting. ??

    Moderator James Huff


    Or just send all trackbacks to moderation.

    Thank you very much, btvillarin and macmanx!!

    I’ll give it a shot at that moderation plugin. I guess I don’t like my site to be too “interesting.”

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