Does it work with WPML?
The first attempt to setup this plugin resulted in an error.
WP Hide – Unable to create environment static file. The system returned the following error: FTP hostname is required,FTP username is required,FTP password is required.
FTP is not set. All updates are installed directly (but not automatically) using the wp-config.php option “define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);”1. Does this plugin require the FTP credentials to be set?
Second, in the WP Hide setup, the following error is displayed
”Rewrite test failed! The wp_remote_get() returns a Not Found page, probably the Rewrites are not active on your server! Rewrites are enabled. However, the Apache Rewrite module is loaded and website is using WPML and uses the language code in the page url (for example [domain]/nl/[page]).
I noticed that the plugin inserts in the .htaccess file
# BEGIN WP Hide & Security Enhancer <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /nl/ #WriteCheckString:1645610520_45934 RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_MOD_REWRITE:On] RewriteRule ^rewrite_test_1645610520_45934/? /wp-content/plugins/wp-hide-security-enhancer/include/rewrite-confirm.php [L,QSA] </IfModule>
When performing the test that calls
the standard WordPress error page is displayed.Howevr, when I change the page url omitting the language code
the expected Json text is displayed.
2. Does this mean that the plugin is not compatible with WPML after all? (Contrary to what is displayed on
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