Does it work with WordPress 3.5.1?
Hello, I am interested in this, but it says it works up to 3.5.0 – does it work with 3.5.1?
So I went ahead and installed it, since if it doesn’t work I’m probably going to switch over to bbpress, and I’m having some issues I figured I’d post up in case you see it and reply soon.
Instead of integrating my Admin from WordPress with my Admin from phpBB3, it created a new Admin1. When I said to break that link, it did, but it then created an Admin2. Rinse repeat and now I have Admin3. All three are logged in at the same time.
Also, it says I have 93 phpbb3 members to integrate, but then it only shows me three of them, and I don’t see any place I can manually created integrated WordPress memberships for them.
Other than that, the good news is so far I don’t think it’s *broke* my site anywhere ;D
(I do not care to integrate the themes, and am happy with how they look, my main concern is to integrate the memberships)
Sorry for the delay.
It works fine with 3.5.1.
For the first issue, turn off automatic user creation, then visit the user mapper and clean up the accounts that were created, and map the ones you want. Otherwise, it’s auto-creating accounts for you.
Once done, you can turn back on auto-creation.
For the phpBB accounts to show up, make sure you have mapped some permissions together — you will probably want to map WordPress subscribers to phpBB registered users.
Ok, thank you for your quick response ??
So I have been working with this all day, trying to figure a couple of things out, and have hit an end, so I gotta bug you again.
Am I supposed to be able to log into one or the other (WordPress or phpBB3) and automatically be logged into the other? Because this isn’t working.
I also have gotten the cross posting to work, and it posts from WordPress to my designated forum, but I can’t figure out how to not have to “ok” it. I have mapped my users, and I also went into my phpBB3 settings and went to phpBB ACP -> Permissions tab -> Group forum permissions -> Selected Administrators, then chose my forums to cross post to and selected “Yes” to both WP United options.
Any idea what I need to do to fix this?
One more issue here:
Even though I have in WordPress that comments are enabled, the WordPress posts have no comment input field.
Again, I have permissions for all groups that they can cross post, the phpBB3 posts are showing up as comments under the WordPress post, but the WordPress post has no option to post a comment.
This is usually a sympton of user integration not working properly. Please try with the latest version, and ensure that your user is integrated and logged in OK — you can check this by enabling WPU_DEBUG in options.php.
I have had to uninstall and delete my phpBB3 version of WP-United due to update problems. Ensured I have the newest install on the phpBB3 side, I continue to experience the issue. Here is what I get with DEBUG set to “TRUE”:
DEBUG WP Version = 3.5.1 Integrate users hook called. User integration active. WP already logged in, phpBB logged out. Logging in to integrated phpBB account, user ID = 2. Established Session for user 2. New XPost query created for query [0,,,,0,0,10000,0,0,1,1,0,0,na] Performing cross-post query: SELECT p.post_approved, COUNT(p.post_id) AS num_total FROM (phpbb3_topics t CROSS JOIN phpbb3_posts p CROSS JOIN phpbb3_users u) WHERE (t.topic_wpu_xpost > 0) AND (p.post_approved = 1 OR ( p.post_approved = 0 AND (t.forum_id IN (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) OR u.user_id = 2))) AND ((p.poster_id = u.user_id) AND (p.topic_id = t.topic_id) AND (t.topic_first_post_id <> p.post_id) AND (t.topic_replies > 0)) GROUP BY p.post_approved LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0 [real limit: (10000, 0)] Re-using XPost query from store for query [0,,,,0,0,10000,0,0,1,1,0,0,na]
Sorry for the really slow response. Are you still experiencing problems?
The above output looks fine, so the next thing to check is your phpBB cookie & server settings. If you could post the putput of the WP-United “Get Help” screen, it might help debug.
Yes, I am continuing to experience several issues.
[b]WP-United Version[/b] : [b]WordPress Version[/b] : 3.5.1 [b]PHP Version[/b] : 5.2.17 [b]WP-United enabled?[/b] : Yes [b]WordPress Home URL[/b] : [b]WordPress Base URL[/b] : [b]WordPress Plugin URL[/b] : [b]phpBB URL[/b] : [b]Plugin Path[/b] : /are/hidden/for/safety/some/it/ised/all/ [b]WordPress Path[/b] : /are/hidden/for/safety/some/ [b]phpBB Path[/b] : /are/hidden/for/safety/some/ments/ [b]Active plugins[/b] : black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php, google-analytics-for-wordpress/googleanalytics.php, jquery-t-countdown-widget/countdown-timer.php, nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php, posts-for-page/posts-for-page.php, press-this-reloaded/press-this-reloaded.php, recent-facebook-posts/recent-facebook-posts.php, si-captcha-for-wordpress/si-captcha.php, simply-exclude/simplyexclude.php, site-layout-customizer/sitelayoutcustomizer.php, slidedeck2/slidedeck2-lite.php, social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/NextScripts_SNAP.php, stop-registration-spam/stop_registration_spam.php, totop-link/totop-link.php, ultimate-posts-widget/ultimate-posts-widget.php, ultimate-tinymce/main.php, video-thumbnails/video-thumbnails.php, wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php, wp-united/wp-united.php [b]Current theme[/b] : Custom Community Child [b]Allocated memory[/b] : 36297.434697856M [b]Memory limit[/b] : 256M [b]Locale[/b] : en_US [b]integrateLogin[/b] : 1 [b]showHdrFtr[/b] : NONE [b]wpSimpleHdr[/b] : 1 [b]dtdSwitch[/b] : 0 [b]phpbbCensor[/b] : 0 [b]wpPageName[/b] : page.php [b]phpbbPadding[/b] : 6-12-6-12 [b]xposting[/b] : 1 [b]phpbbSmilies[/b] : 0 [b]avatarsync[/b] : 1 [b]integcreatewp[/b] : 1 [b]integcreatephpbb[/b] : 1 [b]xpostautolink[/b] : 1 [b]xpostspam[/b] : 1 [b]xpostforce[/b] : 13 [b]xposttype[/b] : fullpost [b]xpostprefix[/b] : [b]cssMagic[/b] : 0 [b]templateVoodoo[/b] : 0 [b]useForumPage[/b] : 0 [b]wpuxpostcomments[/b] : 0
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