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  • Solution status update – FYI:

    I’ve just committed the fix – if anyone prefers not to wait for the next official version, but wants the fix **now* (at your own risk), you can download the current development version of the plugin and upload the unzipped files to your site via FTP.

    I prefer to wait for it to be uploaded to ??

    I also got the Warning: Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete() in /home/my-directory/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc/wpseo-non-ajax-functions.php on line 259when I trying to upgrade to wordpress 3.7.

    The strange thing is I can’t post anything new. In post page Permalink field disappeared and Auto draft wordpress feature also gone.

    I don’t know what to do? Any fix for Yoast SEO plugin guya

    We also got the message “Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete” multiple times when upgrading themes.



    Same here. I get the following error message after upgrading other plugins:

    Warning: Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete() in /home/myweb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc/wpseo-non-ajax-functions.php on line 259

    …but it doesn’t seem to cause any other issues, so will just await updates.



    its working fine here, no errors?

    When will fix will be posted to



    Got the same error today while upgrading some plugins. :-/

    Phil Johnston


    Just got this error while updating WP to 3.7.1



    Hello all of you who are experiencing an issue with the latest WordPress version 3.7.1 and this plugin.

    My golden rule before I upgrade WordPress to the latest version is to test on a developing site the latest WordPress version and all my plugins including the theme. There will always be issues between some plugins, theme and WordPress. In many cases many can upgrade without a problem.

    One must do action first before you upgrade is to create an immediate backup and if you have an issue then revert back to the backup and investigate further the problem.

    Kind regards



    Just a simple question: what are the risks of staying with WP 3.6 for the moment ?



    I just saw that this plugin has been updated today to version 1.4.19: can someone tell me if this version works fine with WP 3.7.1 so I can upgrade my WP site please ?



    Hi NeedHelpWithThat, some have reported success with WordPress 3.7.1. However you should also check to see if your other plugins are compatible with WordPress 3.7.1?

    Always create a backup before an upgrade just in case.

    Kind regards



    Guys I discovered new error in Yoast SEO. Click new post. type title and add some content. click Post tab on admin left side bar, you should see a warning like this in Views section in post list.

    Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/something/public_html/wp-content/themes/mytheme/functions/tie-views.php on line 11

    previously it didn’t come? is it cause of Yoast SEo or theme error. any ides guys?



    Thank you mbrsolution. Sure I will backup my WP before testing it. Maybe my question wasn’t that clear: I assume people on this thread discussing how in trouble they are with Yoast’s SEO plugin since WP upgraded to 3.7.1 version have not installed last 1.4.19 version of the plugin. And, what I am wondering, is if someone can tell me if 1.4.19 version works fine with WP 3.7.1 ? Hope what I say is clear (I am french).
    Thank you,
    Kind regards,

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