With all respect, jrf, if a patch has been made available it hasn’t been pushed out to the www.remarpro.com repository. The last time this plug-in was updated was September 21, 2013 — over a month ago.
And to say that the sitemap issue isn’t related to this thread, seems to be further avoidance of the issue. The issue at hand is “does this plugin work with WordPress 3.7” The reason that question is being raised is because the plug-in is not working properly — it is outputting errors when other plug-ins are updated and the sitemap function of the plug-in has ceased.
Likewise, if you install the plug-in on a fresh install, you get an install error.
Many of us aren’t fluid in programming and the lingo that you throw around here. We just want a solution that we understand to the problem that we have. That’s it. Not insults or the competition that appears to be between you and other developers over “stealing your thunder”