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  • hehehe sorry! just trying to help… imagined you would be too swamped to post back here.

    @eddie your help is much appreciated ??

    With all respect, jrf, if a patch has been made available it hasn’t been pushed out to the repository. The last time this plug-in was updated was September 21, 2013 — over a month ago.

    And to say that the sitemap issue isn’t related to this thread, seems to be further avoidance of the issue. The issue at hand is “does this plugin work with WordPress 3.7” The reason that question is being raised is because the plug-in is not working properly — it is outputting errors when other plug-ins are updated and the sitemap function of the plug-in has ceased.

    Likewise, if you install the plug-in on a fresh install, you get an install error.

    Many of us aren’t fluid in programming and the lingo that you throw around here. We just want a solution that we understand to the problem that we have. That’s it. Not insults or the competition that appears to be between you and other developers over “stealing your thunder”

    Furthermore, to say this isn’t a “serious issue” is simply your opinion. For those of us that have worked hard to improve our website’s search engine placement and that rely on this plug-in to work to maintain that placement — it’s a serious issue.

    If there is a “patch” why hasn’t that been released to the Repository so that we can update the plug-in and fix the issue?

    @rio Grande Citizen All I can say is: put your money where your mouth is and please read the forum rules paying special attention to section I.

    jrf — if you’re going to represent yourself as the author or an authoritative figure on this plug-in, then maybe you should speak truth. You say a patch as been made but the plug-in repository shows that is not the case, since the last time this plug-in was updated was September 2013 (over one month ago).

    Again — the majority of us here are simply asking for the author of this plug-in to be aware of the incompability between the present released version and the update that WordPress just released (3.7). We aren’t developers and we don’t understand the ligno that you use, so we ask for a simple to understand way to fix this problem and avoid harm to both our WordPress install and our search engine placement that we have worked hard to build/maintain (probably with the help of this plugin).

    @rio Grande Citizen – one of the drawbacks of forums like this is that people don’t always know what other people know, and communication gets messy. But be assured that no one likes bugs and they’ll be fixed ASAP. @jrf is a volunteer here – giving a lot of his own time to help out with this plugin, so please keep that in mind.

    @wpyogi, I respect that he has volunteered to support this plugin. I also hope you (and @jrf) appreciate the fact that for the everyday WordPress user, we would have no idea this plug-in is supported by volunteers. On the contrary, the plug-in is advertised as being written by a company ( which offers a variety of premium plug-ins and upgrades even to this. So, to the every day person (like myself and others), this plugin looks like a free version offered by a company through the repository.

    Having said that, I think all everyone wants is to help find a solution to the problems. Developers who talk down to beginners, don’t make that process easier.

    I have launched an “issue” on Github — — related to the sitemap issue. Hopefully, I can work with jrf (with my limited knowledge) to help him find a solution to this bug.

    I certainly appreciate that it’s a bit hard and confusing to know who’s who around here – I’ve been confused at times too :). But the vast majority of people are not paid for the work they do here (including moderators) – any paid versions of plugins/themes are totally separate (by WP.ORG policy).

    Like I said, no one knows what anyone else knows or what their experience level is. Things can be perceived totally differently than intended – that’s happened to me too – in both directions. If you need more explanation or help, just ask. Everyone helping out here really does want to be helpful :).

    And yes, the more people working towards solving an issue, the better, so thanks for contributing to it.

    For anyone following this thread, I want to clarify what I reported earlier about the XML sitemap failing after updating to 3.7. I have no idea what is specific on my server/site that would cause this to only happen to me, but so be it! Nevertheless, here’s how I fixed it:

    I turned off the XML sitemap feature, and Saved. Then turned it back on, and Saved, and voila, no more 404 error and the sitemap works again.

    @jrf, thanks !

    Will try your commit. Thanks for noting that it is not major, I have no problem updating, my only problem is that the same PHP warning is filling up my server error log, which I want to keep clean …

    After this, on to the next plugin reporting another error/warning in ther server log, W3TC ??

    Same on my sites…..

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @rishab55555 Please do not use these forums to promote your site. Keep the support here in the forums.

    Me too.

    Same problems here. Waiting for fix. Thanks guys.

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