• Resolved nagman



    First of all, thank you a lot for this plugin which works miraculously well with WP 4.5.3!

    It saved me hours of works and a lot of headaches.

    For now, I only have 12 posts to test it, and it works perfectly. But as I’ll import 19 000 posts in my database, I was wondering if the WP_GeoQuery Class would slow the query.

    Because I don’t do a simple query. I use three fields to perform the query: a keyword, a category and a location. And I don’t want the location calculation to be performed on each of the 19 000 posts.

    So my question is: is the location filter done after or before the keyword and category filters? For instance, if I have 5 000 posts of “red” category, and my query is done with this category, will it make the “haversine” formula on 19 000 or 5 000 posts?

    Hope it’s clear enough cause I’m not english.

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: Have you the intention of maintaining and updating this plugin? If not, would you like to be paid for it?


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  • Thread Starter nagman


    Actually, the search doesn’t work when it combines category and geolocation.
    With keywords it’s ok, yet.

    Plugin Author fyaconiello


    I wouldn’t use this plugin in production as-is. It hasn’t been used/tested in 2+ years. Feel free to cannibalize the plugin and take the working parts.

    Example: The WPGeoQuery class will probably continue to work well in newer version of WordPress.

    The plugin was abandoned b/c it doesn’t do well on shared hosts. The plugin relies on Google’s map geocoding api. The API has a hard limit of geocodes in a given period that is tied to an IP. So on shared hosting where many websites share an IP, the limit is reached instantly and the plugin can no longer geocode.

    This was a little about the issue and a possible workaround that never got implemented: https://github.com/fyaconiello/wp-geo-posts/issues/4

    Thread Starter nagman


    Oh… I see. Actually, my website is already on a production server (a dedicated server).

    I don’t know if I’ll succeed in modifying the plugin (I haven’t built any plugin before) but I’ll try.

    What part of the plugin had to do with gmap geocoding? The admin metabox?

    Also, do you have an aswer for my previous question? About order of parameters in the query (keyword and category before location). Cause when I search for a post in paris, it returns the right post. When I search one of its categories, it returns also the same post. But when I search for the same category IN paris, it returns nothing.

    Plugin Author fyaconiello


    The only part of the plugin I might keep is this one file: https://github.com/fyaconiello/wp-geo-posts/blob/master/includes/geo-query.php

    if you copy that into your theme or a new plugin and then modify it to remove this stuff and then make sure you only call geoposts when passing an appropriate post_type to the $args of the WP_GeoQuery class.

    Also, do you have an aswer for my previous question? About order of parameters in the query (keyword and category before location). Cause when I search for a post in paris, it returns the right post. When I search one of its categories, it returns also the same post. But when I search for the same category IN paris, it returns nothing.

    The order of the params shouldn’t matter. WP_Query doesnt care about the order of params. WP_GeoQuery is at its base, just adding a few things into WP_Query.

    Let me walk you through it:

    my class extends WP_Query. It has all the same limitations and functionality as its parent WP_Query.

    class WP_GeoQuery extends WP_Query

    I set a bunch of filters that modify the raw sql that WP_Query runs. Basically, I join on the postmeta table a few times for longitude and latitude, and run a haversine formula on those lats and longs to determine distance from the passed in point.

    add_filter('posts_fields', array($this, 'posts_fields'), 10, 2);
    add_filter('posts_join', array($this, 'posts_join'), 10, 2);
    add_filter('posts_where', array($this, 'posts_where'), 10, 2);
    add_filter('posts_orderby', array($this, 'posts_orderby'), 10, 2);
    add_filter('posts_distinct', array($this, 'posts_distinct'), 10, 2);

    I run the query


    and then I remove all of my filters so that they do not affect other queries

    you should be able to trace all of the logic that this is doing.

    Thread Starter nagman


    Thank you for the explanation.

    But if I want to keep the metabox, I should keep the other files, isn’t it?
    Cause geo-query.php only manages the query, not the metabox and the saving process into the database.

    The issue about the gmap api concerns the metabox, am I right?
    So, once the fields are completed in the admin, there is no more calls to the API, logically.
    I read on the gmap doc: daily free quota of 100,000 requests per 24 hours.
    My server is dedicated, and I wont do 100,000 requests per day, with all the other websites on it. My database is limited to 19,000 posts, and once they’ll be published they wont move.

    Did I understood well? Or does something escape me?

    For the categories, you don’t seem to have any clue. I’ll stick my nose into this.

    And last but not least, maybe I’m not in the right place to ask this, but my real question about the order of the query is: does those filters you’re adding affect in anything the time it’ll take to retrieve the data from the database? I mean will it take much longer? Will it calculate the haversine on each of the 19,000 posts BEFORE checking the keyword or the category? Or will it first filter the keywords AND categories BEFORE calculating the haversine?

    This last question is the most important cause I want my site to be reliable when doing lot of queries.

    Thread Starter nagman


    Forget my previous question (about order in the query) cause I’ve answered it myself by trying to resolve another issue: it first filters by category ID, then by keyword, and finally do the haversine formula. So the query is optimized for better performance ??

    Concerning the GMAP API, I’ll keep the plugin as is, cause like I said I host my website on a dedicated server, and the max number of queries I’ll do won’t be higher than 19,000, and it will be a one-shot. GMAP API is limited to 2,500 daily free requests, so I’ll just spread my import on 8 days (2,375 requests per day).

    And finally I’ve got my answer to my issue!

    If anybody encounters the same issue, i.e. when doing a WP_GeoQuery with lat/lng AND a taxonomy (or a meta_query) returns 0 results, here’s the answer:

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