Hi @sprutt,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Does it degrade if JS is disabled? Yes, because many cache and optimizer plugins remove the no-script tag, which causes the preloader not to be displayed, and also because there are very few systems that disable JavaScript today, we removed the no-script tag from the plugin in version 2.0.71.
The solution: The only way to do this is to modify the plugin’s source code (not recommended!)
In version 2.1.1, change line 2517 of the file “\wp-content\plugins\safelayout-cute-preloader\inc\class-safelayout-preloader-admin.php” to the following.
echo '<noscript><style>#sl-preloader{display: none !important;}</style></noscript><style id="safelayout-cute-preloader-css" data-no-optimize="1" data-no-minify="1">';
After changing the code, please go to the preloader settings and click on the “Save Changes” button.