• The codex says that get_posts uses all the same arguments as query_posts, so why doesn’t the tax_query work with get_posts?

    $myquery['tax_query'] = array(
    		'taxonomy' => 'portfolio-tags',
    		'terms' => array('bacon'),
    		'field' => 'slug',
    $myposts = get_posts( $myquery );
    if ($myposts) :
      echo "bacon here!"
      echo "no freaking bacon";

    echos out “no freaking bacon” which is obviously not the end result i want, but was a quick way to test whether it was pulling any data.

    but if i change $myposts to

    $myposts = query_posts( $myquery );

    then i get a result.

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  • I got mine to work:

    $args = array(	'numberposts'=>-1,
    $series_posts = get_posts($args);

    The only difference I can see is that my “terms” isn’t in an array. That really shouldn’t make a difference, though, since it’s definitely supposed to work with arrays.

    Thread Starter HelgaTheViking


    thanks! actually the difference is that you’ve defined the post type and the taxonomy i was trying to pull from only applied to a specific post type. apparently get_posts() only searches posts by default unless you define another post type.

    Ah, I didn’t realize you were (also) working with an alternate post type.

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