I’ve modified the flamingo code to add this feature (very basic implementation – modify as you want it). When an email is marked as ‘not spam’ this modified function sends the content of the message to the site admin email. Note it doesn’t use the original form template (as this is not in the flamingo plugin), this is just a workaround until the plugin author can address this…
Replace the function unspam in wp-content\plugins\flamingo\includes\class-inbound-message.php
public function unspam() {
if ( ! $this->spam ) {
$this->spam = false;
// start addition
$message = "This message was marked as 'Not Spam'.<br />";
$message .= "<br /><strong>From:</strong> ".$this->from_name;
$message .= "<br /><strong>Email:</strong> ".$this->from_email;
$message .= "<br /><strong>Subject:</strong> ".$this->subject;
$message .= "<br /><strong>Message Body:</strong> ".$this->fields['your-message'];
$skipfields = array('site_url','url','post_id','post_name','post_url','post_title','post_author','post_author_email','site_title','site_description');
foreach($this->meta as $k=>$v){
if(!in_array($k,$skipfields)){$message .="<strong>".$k.":</strong> ".$v."<br />";}
$to = $this->meta['site_admin_email'];
$subject = 'SUBJECT HERE -'.$this->subject.'"';
$headers = array('Reply-To: '.$this->from_name.' <'.$this->from_email.'>');
// end addition
return $this->save();