• Does Flamingo resend messages when marked as not spam?

    So when I find a message in Flamingo’s spam folder, and it is not spam and I mark it as not spam. Will it resend the message to the recipients in the contact form?

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  • Same question here – additionally, when I mark a message as ‘not spam’ it then appears in the Flamingo inbox with the date that I marked it as not spam, not the date that it was received.
    I’m also seeing duplicate messages – some messages are in the inbox and the spam folder – making it hard to know whether the message was sent to the recipient or not.

    Sadly when you find a message in Flamingo’s spam folder that is not spam and mark it as not spam, it is only move to Flamingo’s in box and not resent.

    Being able to resend message which are manually marked it as not spam, would be a really useful feature for those of us who are experiencing high levels of false positives spam flags (ie by Google reCAPTCHA V3 in learning mode).

    The reason that there are multiple duplicate messages is being caused by human users, whose messages have been mistakenly flagged as spam, see a message with an orange border line saying “There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later”, so they are doing just that!

    resending a message is a useful feature

    Bumping this.

    The answer to the OP is “No”.

    Flamingo/CF7 does not send a message that is identified as spam, this is good.

    If the message is then marked as ‘not spam’ manually, Flamingo/CF7 still DOES NOT send the message – meaning that a false positive message will never be sent to its recipient, even if the ‘spam’ label is manually fixed.

    This needs improving…


    Bumping this – we are still struggling with this issue.



    This plugin will be perfect if include this features.



    I’ve modified the flamingo code to add this feature (very basic implementation – modify as you want it). When an email is marked as ‘not spam’ this modified function sends the content of the message to the site admin email. Note it doesn’t use the original form template (as this is not in the flamingo plugin), this is just a workaround until the plugin author can address this…

    Replace the function unspam in wp-content\plugins\flamingo\includes\class-inbound-message.php

    public function unspam() {
    		if ( ! $this->spam ) {
    		$this->spam = false;
    		// start addition 
    		$message = "This message was marked as 'Not Spam'.<br />";
    		$message .= "<br /><strong>From:</strong> ".$this->from_name;
    		$message .= "<br /><strong>Email:</strong> ".$this->from_email;
    		$message .= "<br /><strong>Subject:</strong> ".$this->subject;
    		$message .= "<br /><strong>Message Body:</strong> ".$this->fields['your-message'];
    		$skipfields = array('site_url','url','post_id','post_name','post_url','post_title','post_author','post_author_email','site_title','site_description');
    		foreach($this->meta as $k=>$v){
    			if(!in_array($k,$skipfields)){$message .="<strong>".$k.":</strong> ".$v."<br />";}
    		$to = $this->meta['site_admin_email'];
    		$subject = 'SUBJECT HERE -'.$this->subject.'"';
    		$headers = array('Reply-To: '.$this->from_name.' <'.$this->from_email.'>');
    		// end addition
    		return $this->save();
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