• Resolved rstrah


    I tried to add a search for carbonfields on the /wp-admin/admin.php?page=elasticpress-weighting page via “ADD FIELD” but it did not produce results.

    Container::make('post_meta', __('Руководители', 'crb'))
            ->where('post_template', '=', 'management.php')
    		->where( 'current_user_role', 'IN', array( 'carbonfields_manager', 'administrator' ) )
                    Field::make('complex', 'crb_manager_description', 'Руководитель')
                                Field::make('image', 'manager_photo', 'Фото')->set_value_type('url'),
                                Field::make('text', 'manager_name', 'Фио'),
                                Field::make('text', 'manager_role', 'Должность'),
                                Field::make('rich_text', 'manager_bio', 'Биография'),
                                Field::make('rich_text', 'manager_reception', 'Время приёма'),
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