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  • yes malkieh and thanks. my problem now is that i can not back to 1.8 i try buth something has changed and now i can’t???? and from Timely, no one give me a solution,

    Thread Starter malkieh


    I think you need to remove database entries created by the calendar, as in this thread :

    And maybe using phpmyadmin

    Make a full site back up first of course !

    Yes malkieh, many thanks i will do and chnged to another plugin calender with more formal people and support
    nice weekend

    ANy idead why it is not showing on my site? in the footer

    Thread Starter malkieh


    patrick24601 Many issues seem to be theme related, perhaps you could try another theme, to test your install.

    I realise you may want to keep your theme just as I want to keep mine on my sites making All in one event calendar a no-go for me at present !

    Your site looks very good.

    Issues that I had.
    Upgraded to 1.9.1. Calendar wouldn’t show until theme files are updated.
    Theme files wouldn’t update when you chose to update them. Just displayed white screen.
    Tried to downgrade to 1.8.2 which totally hosed the site.
    Put the 1.9.1 files back up.
    Manually copied the theme files from the calendar directory to the wp-content\themes-ai1ec directory.
    This fixed the site but the display of the calendar and it’s different views were all jacked up.
    Switched the default vortex theme to the Gamma 1.9.1-standard.
    All is working as it should.
    Hope this helps someone.

    Either 1.9.1 is poorly coded, or conflicts a lot with themes other than default. Switching to other themes doesn’t seem to fix calendar not being displayed properly.

    And theme options page is displaying incorrectly.

    So far, I think it’s better not to upgrade to 1.9.x at this point…unfortunately.

    After a couple of weeks the issue of the upcoming widget non display in IE is still left unresolved, and probably all is needed is just a CSS hack to make the widget display properly in IE within the Buddypress Corporate theme. the content of the widgets displays outside the container and since the CSS overflow property is set to hidden, thus the non display in IE8 and IE9… not such issues on other browsers (Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox).

    Sent almost 6 emails to Support but nothing still.

    Thread Starter malkieh


    I have another issue.

    When logged in as WordPress admin, going to the calendar page makes the admin bar at the top vanish, other pages are OK.

    If the sidebar widget is installed this happens to all pages on my custom theme and also Twenty Twelve.

    In the theme for one of my websites, with ai1ec in month display mode, neither the display selection button nor the categories button work. I tested ai1ec with the WP default template and everything worked fine, which tells me that my host and ai1ec are not the problem.

    It dawned on me that there are a number of components to a website that have to work together: 1) the theme, 2) ai1ec, 3) the other plugins that are installed and, 4) the host. Any of these components can work 100% by itself, but conflict with any number of other components.

    To my way of thinking, the very first step in resolving a conflict is to test ai1ec with the default WP theme. If it works, you know the host, ai1ec and your host are playing well together. Then, you have to deactivate all your other plugins and see what happens. Activate the other plugins one at a time and see if your conflict reoccurs. Eventually you will (or should) find what is causing your problem.

    Just my thoughts.

    Thread Starter malkieh


    Often when going to the home page of my website with the all in one events calendar installed, a cron job runs, making the web site address look something like ‘’

    This seems to load the server making the website hang.

    Thread Starter malkieh


    On the Timely website twitter feed it says ” Our support team is a bit backed up – users are waiting roughly 6-7 days for responses. We appreciate your patience!”

    A version 2 is also mentioned !

    I reinstalled 1.9.1 and everything seems working fine.

    I didn’t disable other themes or plugins, but I uninstalled previous version and also deleted all database entries related to this plugin using Options Optimizer plugin.

    Then I downloaded and uploaded 1.9.1 manually and I see no problems I posted here before.

    This might help.

    Thread Starter malkieh


    Thanks for the post

    I set up a new site account on my server and a new WordPress site, using Twenty Eleven theme.

    I the set up All-in-One Event Calendar 1.9.1 plugin and everything seems to work OK, except the posterboard only shows one event.

    So it may be the previous installs on the other sites I tried to use All-in-One Event Calendar caused my updates to go wrong.

    I am running wordpress 3.5.1 with an up to date Suffusion theme…

    I tried loading the all in one on a couple of my sites and here is what happened.

    *The plugin seemed to function as it should once I completely removed the ajax calendar I was running.

    *The problem was that after running for a couple of days the plugin would screw up my server settings to the point I could no longer receive the rss feeds from on main dashboard, could not search for new plugins on, etc…

    *Once the above would take place the website would start throwing Internal Server 500 codes and links (like log in) stopped working as they should.

    *So as most people would try, I went in and tried to delete the plugin, but could not get it to fully delete. So, I went and removed through my FTP interface. So, now the plugin was completely removed, but the damage was done. The only way I could get the sites back up and running was to re-install from a back-up.

    I really like this plugin, but it will ruin your site. The fact that no one on here seems to be able to get support from the developers is another huge problem.

    Note to Developer: If you are seriously intending on getting anyone to purchase your pro version you better step it up. I would most certainly consider paying good money for a good plugin with GOOD support. Just my two cents.

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