I honestly don’t know what you were trying to achieve with this rating. Did you want to motivate me by posting a 2-star review? Try posting a 1-star review instead, maybe it would motivate me even more? ?? I don’t think it’s how open source community should work. It’s a community where poeple do things for each other for free – they spend their time working on things that will help everyone.
Please take a look at tabs that are available at the top. If you have a problem, use Support tab. Here is a link – WP First Letter Avatar Support.
WordPress is powering millions of site. It’s impossible to make a plugin compatible with every possible configuration. That’s what Support section is for. User reports a problem and developer tries to make it compatible, again, free of charge.
BuddyPress completely changes the behavior of avatars on the site. That’s why I developed a separate plugin for BuddyPress. I see you already noticed it, but it doesn’t work for you, but again, instead of starting a support thread, you sent a rating… I don’t know how to react to this, really.