This does work in WP (I think, I will explain in a second). When performing the installation, do it inside the wp-admin directory, instead of the default WP directory. If I understand the hack correctly, it simply creates link code from commenters of a particular entry which you can copy and paste for use in a post. If thats all it does, then I have tested it and it works. The only three differences in the implementation are:
1) Install into the wp-admin directory
2) b2menutop.php is now b2menutop.txt and the links are added with the instructions provided, that is, add this line after the first 6 already in there:
5 javascript:commenter() Commenter Plugger
3) Delete the link at the end of b2commenter.plugger.php:
Find and delete: include($b2inc.”/b2footer.php”);
And the rest of the hack should work just fine. ?? Hope this helps.