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  • Hi toprockinternet, you’ve probably already figured this out, but in case someone else has the same question (I did at first, too!), here are some tips:

    When you’re in the Dashboard for WP, expand your menu (the column on the left-hand side). In the same menu area as Posts, Pages, and Media, there are 3 push-pin icons that are part of Weekly Class Schedule. They are Classes, Instructors, and Locations. You’ve got to fill in that stuff and *then* go down to the gear icon towards the bottom of the menu bar which says “Schedule” next to it. Click on Options and set those up. Options also happens to be the area from which you can copy the shortcodes. Here’s what’s at the top of the Options page; I think it has all the directions and shortcodes currently to be found:

    Using Weekly Class Schedule

    To display all the classes in a single schedule, simply enter the shortcode[wcs] inside a page or a post. It’s also possible to output the schedule as a list using the list layout:[wcs layout=list] In order to display a single location, use the location attribute like this:[wcs location=”Classroom A”] Where “Classroom A” is the name of the location as it appears in the database.

    A finalized shortcode may look something like [wcs location=”Classroom A” layout=list]

    I’m looking for shortcodes to display a list and calendar by instructor and by class. I hope someone can help with that! Here’s a thread with tagnut who has already done some of this:

    Does anyone know if it’s possible to have a shortcode that only displays TODAY (so it would automatically have to know today is Tuesday for example and only display today’s classes.

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