Thank you for your kind words. A documentation is much needed and is underway, I will try to answer your questions here.
New User Default Level, no options, where do I set this?
The dropdown will automatically be populated with Access Levels that are not synced with a User Role.
Negate conditions
You can “reverse” conditions so that all content but the selected will be restricted. E.g. if you select the 404 Page and negate the condition, it means that all content but the 404 Page is restricted to that Level.
Content that meets the following conditions will only be accessible by this level or higher:
Access Levels are hierarchical. If you make Level B extend Level A, members of Level B will automatically get access to all content restricted in Level A.
Unlock Time for new members
drip content
Unlock time and drip content is the same. It means that users should be members of a Level for a period of time before they get access to some restricted content.
Could you show me a screenshot of when it’s not visible?
Capabilities, more than this: capabilities work throughout the site (both Admin Dashboard and front end).
You can permit/deny specific capabilities for Access Levels. This means that members of that level e.g. can get elevated privileges in other plugins. A user has used it for Gravity Forms here:
Comment on this: Subscriber is the default WP user role. This sentence above makes it difficult to make any conditions, which restricts subscribers, as this is the lowest WP role?
The Settings page in general need an overhaul. However, it does not matter what the default user role is. If you add a new Level and sync it with the Subscriber role, then you effectively control the access for all users with that role. Restrict User Access will always override the role a user has.
While the documentation is not finished yet, you can read more about conditions here:
I hope this helps!