It all has started there:
Since the topic is closed and I didn’t see any link or form to reopen it, I create this one.
Based on what David had written, I suppose, one should add some processing for the gallery to the following code:
function filter_gallery_shortcode_output_29832( $gallery, $attr ) { remove_filter( 'post_gallery', __FUNCTION__, 10, 2 ); $gallery = gallery_shortcode( $attr ); add_filter( 'post_gallery', __FUNCTION__, 10, 2 ); // Change the output // $gallery = ... return $gallery; } add_filter( 'post_gallery', 'filter_gallery_shortcode_output_29832', 10, 2 );
I also think that it should be something very similar to what is happening in the add_attribute() in bluimp:
But I don’t get what exactly ?? Could someone help/give a hint please?
- The topic ‘do_shortcode-2’ is closed to new replies.