• Do you want to display the IMAGE TITLE and/or the IMAGE DESCRIPTION below your gallery images? I found the answer a very common issue of displaying the image title and/or description.

    If you go to the plugin folder nextgen-gallery/view/gallery.php

    Step 1: Find the code:

    <!-- Thumbnails -->
    	<?php foreach ( $images as $image ) : ?>
    	<div id="ngg-image-<?php echo $image->pid ?>" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box" <?php echo $image->style ?> >
    		<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail" >
    			<a>imageURL ?>" title="<?php echo $image->description ?>" <?php echo $image->thumbcode ?> >
    				<?php if ( !$image->hidden ) { ?>
    				<img title="<?php echo $image->alttext ?>" alt="<?php echo $image->alttext ?>" src="<?php echo $image->thumbnailURL ?>" <?php echo $image->size ?> />
    				<?php } ?>

    Step 2: Replace above code this the following code

    <!-- Thumbnails -->
    	<?php foreach ( $images as $image ) : ?>
    	<div id="ngg-image-<?php echo $image->pid ?>" class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box" <?php echo $image->style ?> >
    		<div class="ngg-gallery-thumbnail" >
    			<a>imageURL ?>" title="<?php echo $image->description ?>" <?php echo $image->thumbcode ?> >
    				<?php if ( !$image->hidden ) { ?>
    				<img title="<?php echo $image->description ?>" alt="<?php echo $image->alttext ?>" src="<?php echo $image->thumbnailURL ?>" <?php echo $image->size ?> />
    				<?php } ?>
    			<span><?php echo $image->alttext ?></span>
                <span><?php echo $image->description ?></span>


    This is the code to add the description
    <?php echo $image->description ?>

    This is the code to add the title
    <?php echo $image->alttext ?>


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  • This is wrong code, in both original and modified.

    <a>imageURL ?>" title="<?php echo $image->description ?>" <?php echo $image->thumbcode ?> >

    How is it wrong code? I copy pasted his code and it’s working as intended.
    The image title is correctly displayed beneath images.

    This line is wrong !!

    <a>imageURL ?>" title="<?php echo $image->description ?>" <?php echo $image->thumbcode ?> ></a>

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code has now been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

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