Okay, so…….I went ahead and ditched Asgaros based on your reply; appreciate it, @robin-w — made a difference. I’d seen so many bad reviews with bbPress that I was scared to try it; turns out it’s closer to what I needed than Asgaros was. So thanks for that.
Here is where I am now with it.
I’m using bbPress and your fab plugin to turn forums into communication platforms between people in a marketing agency. Between client and designer.
Because my designers will be contract employees, I want to be able to jump into each project and sort of…sit there in the shadows as they deal with clients. Because I’ll not know these folks well, and until I do I will need to monitor communication for issues and, well, make sure nothing happens that shouldn’t. There’s always a chance that a contract designer could ‘sway’ a client into canceling the project and working with them outside the system, so to prevent that from happening, all contact info for clients is going to be hidden from my designers, and all contact info for designers will be hidden from clients (so, no user profiles for anyone allowed)….
And all communication will be done via your private groups plugin, so nobody can see what is happening or communicate with each other unless I’ve given them specific access.
So here are my questions for you now:
– Can I have private user groups assigned to TOPICS instead of forums?
– Does your plugin have a way to shut off ‘new topic creation’ if I have to assign users to forums rather than topics?
– Can your plugin turn off the creation of topics?
– Can your plugin turn off the ability for anyone except Admin and Editor level from editing their own comments?
– Can your plugin turn off the ability for anyone except Admin and Editor level from deleting their own comments?
If your plugin can’t do any of the things I mention above….but you know how to get it done via another plugin or code, I humbly ask that you send me in that direction. I’m hoping, though, that your plugin can do the things I’m looking for, above.
Thanks again for all your help. ??