• Hello,
    I am building an website for displaying products. I have the custom post type “products” and this post has many custom fields, one is a checkbox with only one possible choice. This checkbox is there to allow the product to display in front page as a featured product. I need to have only one product with that checkbox checked. To prevent that more than one hava that checkbox checked is there a way to when we check that checkbox field, uncheck the same checkbox field in the others products?

    I hope that i made myself clear.

    Thanks in advance!


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  • domokun


    Your question makes sense, but I don’t believe thats possible.

    I would suggest that you alter the wp_query on your homepage to only pull back a single, latest post.

    did you fid a way of doing this? I would like to do the same (using ACF or not).

    Well, acf has a save filter. So my suggestion would be to use that hook, and when you save, check for the checkbox. If it’s checked, then do a call to all posts that have that checkbox saved, and then unsave them. It could end up being quite a heavy query, if you have a lot of posts, but it’s possible.

    So to clarify:

    Use ACF’s pre-save filter.

    $query = new wp_query(‘meta_field_where_checkbox_is_stored);

    $while $query->has_posts unset meta_field_where_checkbox_is_stored;

    Obviously that’s not working code, but just an idea.

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