• kLunKr


    Weirdest thing. I created a child theme for this one theme that I never used before, a client wanted to me to CSS it up a little differently so I figure I will do what I always do and make a child theme, throw a css file in there get the heading of the file all ready, made the changes to css, and then uploaded it to the themes. Luckily I never used his actual site I used a testing wordpress installation. After I activated the child theme it crashed the site, and it did this to two different wordpress installations. WHAT IN THE HECK!

    I get a SERVR ERROR:

    The website encountered an error while retrieving https://test.mydomain.net/wp-admin/themes.php?activated=true. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

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  • Michael


    what theme are you talking about?

    have you contacted the theme author to check if this is a known problem?



    I have imported a template and it is working beautifully, see https://www.businesseguides.com/webuild1, but I am using a child theme to place a logo above the title and it seems to have no effect. Can anyone advise why? Here is the child. Alternatively how else do I get the logo there?

    [CSS moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please just post a link to your site.]



    Please post your own topic.

    Thread Starter kLunKr



    I am trying to create a child theme for the theme “Dzonia Lite”




    no luck with that one
    – the theme seems to be (on purpose ?) calling some files using ‘get_template_directory()’ from within its files, which then tries to find these in the child theme -> causing the error.

    Chip Bennett


    This line in functions.php is the problem:

    $functions_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/functions/';

    …which then causes an obvious problem in subsequent lines:

    /* These files build out the options interface.  Likely won't need to edit these. */
    require_once ($functions_path . 'admin-functions.php');		// Custom functions and plugins
    require_once ($functions_path . 'admin-interface.php');		// Admin Interfaces (options,framework, seo)
    /* These files build out the theme specific options and associated functions. */
    require_once ($functions_path . 'theme-options.php'); 		// Options panel settings and custom settings

    Thus, the Theme is telling WordPress to look in the stylesheet directory – i.e. the Child Theme, rather than the template directory – i.e. the Parent Theme for these file includes.

    Thread Starter kLunKr


    So you can not make a child theme for this theme?

    Chip Bennett


    So you can not make a child theme for this theme?

    Sure you can. You have two options:

    1) Copy the /functions/ directory from the Parent Theme into the Child Theme – along with anything else in the Parent Theme that is referenced via get_stylesheet_direcoty().

    2) Modify the Parent Theme, to replace calls to get_stylesheet_directory() with get_template_directory().

    @chip – Thanks for suggesting the Solution to make the Theme Child Friendly.

    I will update the Theme as well, so that it starts to support the Child Themes.

    I am having the same problem with a theme I recently purchased. I tried the fix stated above but it still made my WordPress site crash.

    The theme I have purchased is Fox: https://themeforest.net/item/fox-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/3128968

    I do my usual steps of creating a new directory “fox-child”, then create the stylesheet within that:

    Theme Name:     fox Child
    Theme URI:
    Description:    Child theme for the fox theme
    Author:         My name
    Author URI:
    Template:       fox
    Version:        0.1.0
    @import url("../fox/style.css");

    My first assumption of why this wasn’t working is because this is what is in the parent themes style.css :

    Theme Name: Fox
    Theme URI: https://www.luiszuno.com/themes/wp-fox
    Description: A gorgeus Retro Style Theme
    Author: Luis Zuno
    Author URI: https://luiszuno.com
    Version: 1.1.3
    License: Regular
    License URI: https://themeforest.net/licenses/regular_extended
    Buy this template at https://luiszuno.com/blog/work
    @import url('css/style.css');

    So all the parent theme’s style.css is doing is referencing a css directory within the parent theme with a stylesheet named style.css that starts out like this:

    @import url('normalize.css');
    @import url('main.css');
    @import url('superfish.css');
    @import url('social.css');
    @import url('widgets.css');
    @import url('forms.css');
    @import url('comments.css');
    @import url('entry-content.css');
    @import url('shortcodes.css');
    @import url('dribbble.css');

    Below these @ imports are a couple hundred lines of generic css.

    So that brings me to today… I found this forum about the functions.php issue about this:

    $functions_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/functions/’;

    I tried taking the course of action stated above, but this didn’t help me either. I am ready to give up on this theme, but I have run into this problem before and would like to learn how to solve it.

    Sorry for the long post. Thanks, Nick


    I should probably tell you what happens when I attempt to activate the child theme. Once activating the child theme in the backend of wordpress, I get a blank white screen. The dreaded white screen of death, with no error messages or anything.

    Currently the staging server I am going to build this site on is https://rgp.regroupclients.com/

    I’m sorry but as you are using a commercial theme, you need to seek support from the theme’s vendors.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    www.remarpro.com forums do not support commercial themes.
    www.remarpro.com forums support the core application, themes and plugins that are distributed on www.remarpro.com.

    Contact your theme’s vendors regarding commercial themes.

    Okay. Thanks.

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