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  • Thread Starter Albator57


    You must replace :
    $_POST by $_my_post
    and :
    $_GET by $_my_get
    but not all, only these that are declared in function() :

     * Description of BreakingNewsMail_Controller
     * @author Daniela Valero aka DaHe
     * @copyright 2012
     * @license GPL v2
     * @since 1.0
     * @package WP-Breaking-News-Mail
    class BreakingNewsMail_Controller {
        private $signup_dates = array();
        private $script_debug;
        private $signup_ips = array();
        private $bnm_options = array();
        private $post_title = '';
        private $permalink = '';
        private $post_date = '';
        private $post_time = '';
        private $sender_name = '';
        private $sender_email = '';
        private $filtered = 0;
        private $preview_email = false;
        // state variables used to affect processing
        private $email = '';
        private $message = '';
        private $excerpt_length = 55;
        // some messages
        private $confirmation_sent;
        private $already_subscribed;
        private $not_subscribed = '';
        private $not_an_email = '';
        private $error = '';
        private $mail_sent = '';
        private $mail_failed = '';
        private $form = '';
        private $no_such_email = '';
        private $added = '';
        private $deleted = '';
        private $subscribe = '';
        private $unsubscribe = '';
        private $confirm_subject = '';
        private $options_saved = '';
        private $options_reset = '';
        private $search_result = Array();
        function __construct() {
            $this->bnm_options = get_option('bnm_options');
            add_shortcode('BNM_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE', array(&$this, 'show_bnm_confirmation_message'));
            if (is_admin()) {
                if (defined('SENDING_BNM_ALERT') && SENDING_BNM_ALERT) {
                } else {
                    define('SENDING_BNM_ALERT', true);
                    add_action('publish_post', array(&$this, 'send_breaking_new_email_alert'));
                if (isset($_my_post['bnm_admin']) && isset($_my_post['csv']) && $_my_post['csv']) {
                    $date = date('Y-m-d');
                    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
                    header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
                    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=subscribed_users_$date.csv");
                    header("Pragma: no-cache");
                    header("Expires: 0");
                    echo $this->exportSubscribersToCSV();
            } else {
                add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, 'bnm_load_jquery'));
                add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'add_css_bnm'));
                if (isset($_my_get['bnm'])) {
                    //   echo "someone is confirming a request";
                    if (defined('DOING_BNM_CONFIRM') && DOING_BNM_CONFIRM) {
                    } else {
                        define('DOING_BNM_CONFIRM', true);
                        add_filter('query_string', array(&$this, 'query_filter'));
                        add_filter('the_title', array(&$this, 'title_filter'));
                        add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'confirm_subscriptor'));
        function show_bnm_confirmation_message($atts) {
                        'subscription_confirmation' => '',
                        'unsubscription_confirmation' => '',
                            ), $atts));
            return "subscription_confirmation = {$this->message}";
        /* Database querys */
         * adds a subscriber
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    user's email
         * @param    ip    $ip    ip from user's compurter
         * @return   string  $message Its a feedback message
        function add_subscriptor($email, $ip) {
            global $wpdb;
            $message = '';
            if (!is_email($email)) {
                echo $this->no_such_email;
                return false;
            if ($this->is_email_subscribed($email)) {
                echo $this->already_subscribed;
                return false;
            $was_deleted = $this->was_email_deleted($email);
            if ($was_deleted) {
                $result = $wpdb->get_results("UPDATE " . BNM_USERS . " SET status=1 WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email'");
            } else {
                $result = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . BNM_USERS . " (email, active, date, ip) VALUES (%s, %d, NOW(), %s)", $email, 0, $ip));
            $message ="";
            if ($result !== false) {
                if (!$this->is_email_active($email)) {
                    $this->email = $email;
                    $email_sent = $this->send_confirm();
                    if ($email_sent)
                        $message = __(', a confirmation email will be sent', 'bnm');
                        $message = __('error sending confirmation', 'bnm');
                return $message;
                return false;
         * Overrides the default query when handling a (un)subscription confirmation
         * This is basically a trick: if the s2 variable is in the query string, just grab the first
         * static page and override it's contents later with title_filter()
         * @since 1
        function query_filter() {
            // don't interfere if we've already done our thing
            if ($this->filtered == 1) {
            global $wpdb;
            if ($this->bnm_options['bnmpage'] != 0) {
                return "page_id=" . $this->bnm_options['bnmpage'];
            } else {
                $id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type='page' AND post_status='publish' LIMIT 1");
                if ($id) {
                    return "page_id=$id";
                } else {
                    return "showposts=1";
         *  Overrides the page title
         * @since 1
        function title_filter($title) {
            // don't interfere if we've already done our thing
            if (in_the_loop()) {
                return __('Subscription Confirmation', 'bnm');
            } else {
                return $title;
         * Confirm request from the link emailed to the user and email the admin
         * @since 1
         * @param    content   $content
         * @return   string  $message Its a feedback message
        function confirm_subscriptor($content = '') {
            global $wpdb;
            $code = $_GET['bnm'];
            $action = intval(substr($code, 0, 1));
            $hash = substr($code, 1, 32);
            $id = intval(substr($code, 33));
            if ($id) {
                $this->email = is_email($this->get_email($id));
                if (!$this->email || $hash !== md5($this->email)) {
                    $this->message = $this->no_such_email;
            } else {
                $this->message = $this->no_such_email;
            if ($action == 1) { // make this subscription active
                $this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                $this->message = $this->added;
            } elseif ('0' == $action) { // remove this subscriber
                $this->message = $this->deleted;
            if ('' != $this->message) {
                return $this->message;
         * performs the confirmaton of a subscriber on the database
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   boolean  true if success
        function confirm_subscriptor_db($email) {
            global $wpdb;
            if (!is_email($email)) {
                return false;
            if ($this->is_email_subscribed_and_confirmed($email))
                return false;
            $wpdb->get_results("UPDATE " . BNM_USERS . " SET active=1 WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email'");
         * delete a subscriber from the db
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   boolean  true if success
        function delete_subscriptor($email) {
            global $wpdb;
            if (!is_email($email)) {
                return false;
            if (!$this->is_email_subscribed($email))
                return false;
            ////$wpdb->get_results("DELETE FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email'");
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("UPDATE " . BNM_USERS . " SET status=0 WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email'");
            return $result;
        /* Email related functions */
         * Construct unsubscribe link
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @param    mailtext  $mailtext    the text of the email
         * @return   mailtext with the link for unsubscriptions
        private function construct_unsubscribe_link($email, $mailtext) {
            $id = $this->get_id($email);
            if (!$id) {
                return false;
            //  echo "<br> Email: $email -- $id <br> ";
            $url = $this->get_confirmation_page_link();
            $linkUnsubscribe = $url . "/?bnm=0";
            $linkUnsubscribe .= md5(is_email($email));
            //$linkUnsubscribe .= $email;
            $linkUnsubscribe .= $id;
            $mailtext = str_replace("{UNSUBSCRIBE_ACTION}", $linkUnsubscribe, $mailtext);
            return $mailtext;
         * validate if an email is already registered
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   boolean
        private function is_email_subscribed($email) {
            global $wpdb;
            //verifica que el usuario no esté suscrito
            $isSuscribed = false;
            $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT email FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email' and status=1", ARRAY_N);
            if ($results)
                $isSuscribed = true;
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                if ($result[0] == $email)
                    $isSuscribed = true;
            return $isSuscribed;
         * validate if an email is already registered and confirmed
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   boolean
        private function is_email_subscribed_and_confirmed($email) {
            global $wpdb;
            //verifica que el usuario no esté suscrito
            $isSuscribed = false;
            $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT email FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email' and status=1 and active=1", ARRAY_N);
            if ($results)
                $isSuscribed = true;
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                if ($result[0] == $email)
                    $isSuscribed = true;
            return $isSuscribed;
         * Checks if an email was deleted
         * @since 1
         * @param    email $email
         * @return   boolean
        private function was_email_deleted($email) {
            global $wpdb;
            //verifica que el usuario no esté suscrito
            $wasDeleted = false;
            $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT email FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email' and status=0", ARRAY_N);
            if ($results)
                $wasDeleted = true;
            return $wasDeleted;
         * validate if an email is confirmed
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   boolean
        private function is_email_active($email) {
            global $wpdb;
            $isActive = false;
            $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT active FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email' and status=1;", ARRAY_N);
            if ($result)
                $isActive = $result[0][0];
            return $isActive;
         * Performs string substitutions for bnm mail tags
         * @since 1
         * @param    string $string is the string which contain the email text
         * @return   string $string
        function substitute_email_tags($string = '') {
            if ('' == $string) {
            $string = str_replace("{BLOGNAME}", html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES), $string);
            $string = str_replace("{BLOGLINK}", get_option('home'), $string);
            $string = str_replace("{TITLE}", stripslashes($this->post_title), $string);
            $link = "<a href=\"" . $this->get_tracking_link($this->permalink) . "\">" . $this->get_tracking_link($this->permalink) . "</a>";
            $string = str_replace("{PERMALINK}", $link, $string);
            $string = str_replace("{DATE}", $this->post_date, $string);
            $string = str_replace("{TIME}", $this->post_time, $string);
            return $string;
         * Construct standard set of email headers
         * @since 1
         * @param    type of content    $type   text or html
         * @return   string $headers
        function construct_standard__email_headers($type = 'text') {
            if (empty($this->sender_name) || empty($this->sender_email)) {
                $this->sender_email = $this->bnm_options['sender_email'];
                $this->sender_name = html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
                if (empty($this->sender_email)) {
                    // Get the site domain and get rid of www.
                    $sitename = strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
                    if (substr($sitename, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
                        $sitename = substr($sitename, 4);
                    $this->sender_email = 'wordpress@' . $sitename;
            $header['From'] = $this->sender_name . " <" . $this->sender_email . ">";
            $header['Reply-To'] = $this->sender_name . " <" . $this->sender_email . ">";
            $header['Return-path'] = "<" . $this->sender_email . ">";
            $header['Precedence'] = "list\nList-Id: " . html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES) . "";
            if ($type == 'html') {
                // To send HTML mail, the Content-Type header must be set
                $header['Content-Type'] = get_option('html_type') . "; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"";
            } else {
                $header['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"";
            // apply header filter to allow on-the-fly amendments
            $header = apply_filters('bnm_email_headers', $header);
            // collapse the headers using $key as the header name
            foreach ($header as $key => $value) {
                $headers[$key] = $key . ": " . $value;
            $headers = implode("\n", $headers);
            $headers .= "\n";
            return $headers;
        /*  Creates an sends the subscription confirmation email
         * @since 1
         * @return   boolean
        function send_confirm() {
            if (!$this->email) {
                return false;
            $id = $this->get_id($this->email);
            if (!$id) {
                return false;
            // generate the URL "?bnm=ACTION+HASH+ID"
            // ACTION = 1 to subscribe, 0 to unsubscribe
            // HASH = md5 hash of email address
            // ID = user's ID in the bnm table
            // use home instead of siteurl incase index.php is not in core wordpress directory
            $url = $this->get_confirmation_page_link();
            $link = $url . "/?bnm=";
            // sort the headers now so we have all substitute_email_tags information
            $mailheaders = $this->construct_standard__email_headers();
            $link .= '1';
            $body = $this->substitute_email_tags(stripslashes($this->bnm_options['confirm_email']));
            $body = str_replace("{CONFIRMATION_ACTION}", $this->subscribe, $body);
            $subject = str_replace("{CONFIRMARTION_ACTION}", $this->subscribe, $this->bnm_options['confirm_subject']);
            $subject = html_entity_decode($this->substitute_email_tags(stripslashes($subject)), ENT_QUOTES);
            $link .= md5($this->email);
            $link .= $id;
            $body = str_replace("{LINK}", $link, $body);
            return @wp_mail($this->email, $subject, $body, $mailheaders);
         * Sends an email notification when a new post is published
         * @since 1
         * @param    post    $post   post global object
         * @param    preview    $preview   if an editor wants to see a preview
        function send_breaking_new_email_alert($post = 0, $preview = '') {
            if (( $_my_post['post_status'] == 'publish' ) && ( $_my_post['original_post_status'] != 'publish' )) {
                if (!$post) {
                    return $post;
                $post = get_post($post);
                if ($preview == '') {
                    // we aren't sending a Preview to the current user so carry out checks
                    $bnmmail = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'bnmmail', true);
                    if ((isset($_my_post['bnm_meta_field']) && $_my_post['bnm_meta_field'] == 'no') || strtolower(trim($bnmmail)) == 'no') {
                        return $post;
                    $post_cats = wp_get_post_categories($post->ID);
                    $is_post_in_the_cats = true;
                    foreach (explode(',', $this->bnm_options['include']) as $cat) {
                        if (!in_array($cat, $post_cats)) {
                            $is_post_in_the_cats = false;
                    if (!$is_post_in_the_cats) {
                        return $post;
                    } else {
                        $subscribers = $this->get_all_emails();
                    if (empty($subscribers)) {
                        return $post;
                // we set these class variables so that we can avoid
                // passing them in function calls a little later
                $this->post_title = "<a href=\"" . get_permalink($post->ID) . "\">" . html_entity_decode($post->post_title, ENT_QUOTES) . "</a>";
                $this->permalink = get_permalink($post->ID);
                $this->post_date = get_the_time(get_option('date_format'));
                $this->post_time = get_the_time();
                $this->sender_email = $this->bnm_options['sender_email'];
                $this->sender_name = html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
                // Get email subject
                $subject = stripslashes(strip_tags($this->substitute_email_tags($this->bnm_options['notification_subject'])));
                // Get the message template
                $mailtext = apply_filters('bnm_email_template', $this->bnm_options['mailtext']);
                $mailtext = stripslashes($this->substitute_email_tags($mailtext));
                $gallid = '[gallery id="' . $post->ID . '"';
                $content = str_replace('[gallery', $gallid, $post->post_content);
                $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
                $content = str_replace("]]>", "]]&gt", $content);
                if ($this->bnm_options['email_format'] == "text") {
                    $plaintext = $post->post_content;
                    if (function_exists('strip_shortcodes')) {
                        $plaintext = strip_shortcodes($plaintext);
                    $plaintext = preg_replace('|<s*>(.*)<\/s>|', '', $plaintext);
                    $plaintext = preg_replace('|<strike*>(.*)<\/strike>|', '', $plaintext);
                    $plaintext = preg_replace('|<del*>(.*)<\/del>|', '', $plaintext);
                    $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
                    if ($excerpt == "") {
                        // no excerpt, is there a <!--more--> ?
                        if (strpos($plaintext, '<!--more-->') !== false) {
                            list($excerpt, $more) = explode('<!--more-->', $plaintext, 2);
                            // strip leading and trailing whitespace
                            $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt);
                            $excerpt = trim($excerpt);
                        } else {
                            // no <!--more-->, so grab the first 55 words
                            $excerpt = strip_tags($plaintext);
                            $words = explode(' ', $excerpt, $this->excerpt_length + 1);
                            if (count($words) > $this->excerpt_length) {
                                array_push($words, '[...]');
                                $excerpt = implode(' ', $words);
                    // remove excess white space from with $excerpt and $plaintext
                    $excerpt = preg_replace('|[ ]+|', ' ', $excerpt);
                    // prepare mail body texts
                    $excerpt_body = str_replace("{POST}", $excerpt, $mailtext);
                    if ($preview != '') {
                        $this->sender_email = $preview;
                        $this->sender_name = 'Plain Text Excerpt Preview';
                        $this->deliver_email(array($preview), $subject, $excerpt_body);
                    } else {
                        $subscribers = apply_filters('bnm_send_plain_excerpt_suscribers', $subscribers, $post->ID);
                        $this->deliver_email($subscribers, $subject, $excerpt_body);
                } elseif ($this->bnm_options['email_format'] == "html") {
                    $html_excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
                    if ($html_excerpt == "") {
                        // no excerpt, is there a <!--more--> ?
                        if (strpos($content, '<!--more-->') !== false) {
                            list($html_excerpt, $more) = explode('<!--more-->', $content, 2);
                            // balance HTML tags and then strip leading and trailing whitespace
                            $html_excerpt = trim(balanceTags($html_excerpt, true));
                        } else {
                            // no <!--more-->, so grab the first 55 words
                            $words = explode(' ', $content, $this->excerpt_length + 1);
                            if (count($words) > $this->excerpt_length) {
                                array_push($words, '[...]');
                                $html_excerpt = implode(' ', $words);
                                // balance HTML tags and then strip leading and trailing whitespace
                                $html_excerpt = trim(balanceTags($html_excerpt, true));
                            } else {
                                $html_excerpt = $content;
                    $html_excerpt_body = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />\r\n", $mailtext);
                    $html_excerpt_body = str_replace("{POST}", $html_excerpt, $html_excerpt_body);
                    if ($preview != '') {
                        $this->sender_email = $preview;
                        $this->sender_name = 'HTML Excerpt Preview';
                        $this->deliver_email(array($preview), $subject, $html_excerpt_body, 'html');
                    } else {
                        $subscribers = apply_filters('bnm_send_html_excerpt_suscribers', $subscribers, $post->ID);
                        $this->deliver_email($subscribers, $subject, $html_excerpt_body, 'html');
         * Delivers email to recipients in HTML or plaintext for the email alert
         * @since 1
         * @param    array    $recipients  array of all emails
         * @param    string   $subject  the subject of the email
         * @param    string    $message  the message of the email
         * @param    string    $type  type of content of the email
         * @return   boolean
        function deliver_email($recipients = array(), $subject = '', $message = '', $type = 'text') {
            if (empty($recipients) || '' == $message) {
            if ($type == 'html') {
                $headers = $this->construct_standard__email_headers('html');
                $mailtext = apply_filters('bnm_html_email', "<html><head><title>" . $subject . "</title></head><body>" . $message . "</body></html>", $subject, $message);
            } else {
                $headers = $this->construct_standard__email_headers();
                $message = preg_replace('|&[^a][^m][^p].{0,3};|', '', $message);
                $message = preg_replace('|&|', '&', $message);
                $message = wordwrap(strip_tags($message), 80, "\n");
                $mailtext = apply_filters('bnm_plain_email', $message);
            // Replace any escaped html symbols in subject then apply filter
            $subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES);
            $subject = apply_filters('bnm_email_subject', $subject);
            foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
                $recipient = trim($recipient);
                // sanity check -- make sure we have a valid email
                if (!is_email($recipient) || empty($recipient)) {
                $mailtext_to_send = $this->construct_unsubscribe_link($recipient, $mailtext);
                //   echo $recipient. "- ".$mailtext_to_send ."<br>";
                // Use the mail queue provided we are not sending a preview
                if (function_exists('wpmq_mail') && !$this->preview_email) {
                    $status = wp_mail($recipient, $subject, $mailtext_to_send, $headers, '', 0);
                } else {
                    $status = wp_mail($recipient, $subject, $mailtext_to_send, $headers);
            return $status;
        /* Administration actions */
         * saves the settings of the menu page
         * @since 1
         * @param    array   $_POST  post global var
         * @return   array $options the options after being saved
        function save_settings($_my_post) {
            if (!empty($_my_post['tracking'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['tracking'] = $_my_post['tracking'];
            if (!empty($_my_post['sender_email'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['sender_email'] = $_my_post['sender_email'];
            if (!empty($_my_post['notification_subject'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['notification_subject'] = $_my_post['notification_subject'];
            if (!empty($_my_post['page'])) {
                if (is_numeric($_my_post['page']) && $_my_post['page'] >= 0) {
                    $this->bnm_options['bnmpage'] = $_my_post['page'];
            if (!empty($_my_post['mailtext'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['mailtext'] = $_my_post['mailtext'];
            if (!empty($_my_post['confirm_subject'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['confirm_subject'] = $_my_post['confirm_subject'];
            if (!empty($_my_post['confirm_email'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['confirm_email'] = $_my_post['confirm_email'];
            $include_cats = '';
            if (!empty($_my_post['category'])) {
                $include_cats = implode(',', $_my_post['category']);
                $this->bnm_options['include'] = $include_cats;
            if (!empty($_my_post['email_format'])) {
                $this->bnm_options['email_format'] = $_my_post['email_format'];
            if (isset($_my_post["action"]) && $_my_post["action"] == "update")
                echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>$this->options_saved</strong></p></div>";
            update_option('bnm_options', $this->bnm_options);
            return $this->get_bnm_options();
         * Procces the public petitions for subscription
         * @since 1
         * @param    array   $_my_post  post global var
         * @return   string  $message Its a feedback message
        function proccess_public_subscribers($_my_post) {
            $sub_error = '';
            $sub_error_not_email = "";
            $email = $_my_post['bnm_email'];
            $email = is_email($email);
            if ($email) {
                if ($this->is_email_subscribed($email)) {
                    $sub_error = "$email";
                } else {
                    $message = __('Address(es) subscribed ', 'bnm');
                    $var= $this->add_subscriptor($email, $_my_post["ip"]);
                    if (gettype($var)=="boolean"){
                        $message = __('Error saving your email', 'bnm');
                    echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>" .$message . "</strong></p></div>";
            } elseif (!$email) {
                $sub_error_not_email = $_my_post['bnm_email'];
            if ($sub_error_not_email != '') {
                echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"error\"><p><strong>" . __('Some emails were not processed, the following are not emails', 'bnm') . ":<br />$sub_error_not_email</strong></p></div>";
            if ($sub_error != '') {
                echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"error\"><p><strong>" . __('Some emails were not processed, the following were already subscribed', 'bnm') . ":<br />$sub_error</strong></p></div>";
         * Procces the admin petitions for subscription
         * @since 1
         * @param    array   $_POST  post global var
         * @return   array  $subscribers all the subscribers to be shown on the admin table
        function process_subscribers_admin_form($_my_post) {
            global $wpdb, $bnmnonce;
            $message = "";
            $all_users = Array();
            $all_users = $this->get_all_emails();
            if (isset($_my_post['bnm_admin'])) {
                check_admin_referer('bnm-manage_subscribers' . $bnmnonce);
                if ($_my_post['addresses']) {
                    $sub_error = '';
                    $sub_error_not_email = "";
                    $unsub_error = '';
                    foreach (preg_split("|[\s,]+|", $_my_post['addresses']) as $email) {
                        $email = is_email($email);
                        if (is_email($email) && $_my_post['subscribe']) {
                            if ($this->is_email_subscribed($email) !== false) {
                                ( $sub_error == "") ? $sub_error = "$email" : $sub_error .= ", $email";
                            $this->add_subscriptor($email, true);
                            $message = "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>" . __('Address(es) subscribed a confirmation message will be sent', 'bnm') . "</strong></p></div>";
                        } elseif (is_email($email) && $_my_post['unsubscribe']) {
                            if ($this->is_email_subscribed($email) === false) {
                                ('' == $unsub_error) ? $unsub_error = "$email" : $unsub_error .= ", $email";
                            $message = "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>" . __('Address(es) unsubscribed', 'bnm') . "</strong></p></div>";
                        } elseif (!is_email($email)) {
                            ($sub_error_not_email == "") ? $sub_error_not_email = "$email" : $sub_error_not_email .= ", $email";
                    if ($sub_error_not_email != '') {
                        echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"error\"><p><strong>" . __('Some emails were not processed, the following are not emails', 'bnm') . ":<br />$sub_error_not_email</strong></p></div>";
                    if ($sub_error != '') {
                        echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"error\"><p><strong>" . __('Some emails were not processed, the following were already subscribed', 'bnm') . ":<br />$sub_error</strong></p></div>";
                    if ($unsub_error != '') {
                        echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"error\"><p><strong>" . __('Some emails were not processed, the following were not in the database', 'bnm') . ":<br />$unsub_error</strong></p></div>";
                    echo $message;
                    $_my_post['what'] = 'all';
                } elseif (isset($_my_post['process']) && $_my_post['process']) {
                    if (isset($_my_post['delete']) && $_my_post['delete']) {
                        foreach ($_my_post['delete'] as $address) {
                        echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>" . __('Email deleted', 'bnm') . "</strong></p></div>";
                    if (isset($_my_post['confirm']) && $_my_post['confirm']) {
                        foreach ($_my_post['confirm'] as $address) {
                        $message = "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>" . __('Email confirmed', 'bnm') . "</strong></p></div>";
                    if (isset($_my_post['unconfirm']) && $_my_post['unconfirm']) {
                        foreach ($_my_post['unconfirm'] as $address) {
                        $message = "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>" . __('Email unconfirmed', 'bnm') . "</strong></p></div>";
                    echo $message;
                } elseif (isset($_my_post['searchterm']) && $_my_post['searchterm']) {
                    $subscribers = $this->get_all_subscribers();
                    foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                        // echo $subscriber;
                        if (is_numeric(stripos($subscriber, $_my_post['searchterm']))) {
                            $this->search_result[] = $subscriber;
            return $this->get_subscribers($_GET, $_my_post);
        /* micelanious */
         * Create and display a dropdown list of pages
         * @since 1
         * @param    int   $bnmpage page id selected
         * @return   string  $option string which contains all the options to be shown
        function pages_dropdown($bnmpage) {
            global $wpdb;
            $sql = "SELECT ID, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type='page' AND post_status='publish'";
            $pages = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
            if (empty($pages)) {
            $option = '';
            foreach ($pages as $page) {
                $option .= "<option value=\"" . $page->ID . "\"";
                if ($page->ID == $bnmpage) {
                    $option .= " selected=\"selected\"";
                $option .= ">" . $page->post_title . "</option>\r\n";
            echo $option;
         * Export subscribers information to CSV file
         * @since 1
         * @return   cvs file
        function exportSubscribersToCSV() {
            $confirmed = $this->get_all_emails();
            $unconfirmed = $this->get_all_emails(0);
            $subscribers = array_merge((array) $confirmed, (array) $unconfirmed);
            $exportcsv = "User Email,User IP,Sign Up Date\r\n";
            foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                if (in_array($subscriber, $confirmed)) {
                    $exportcsv .= $subscriber . ',' . $this->get_signup_ip($subscriber) . ',' . $this->get_signup_date($subscriber) . ',Confirmed subscriber' . "\r\n";
                } elseif (in_array($subscriber, $unconfirmed)) {
                    $exportcsv .= $subscriber . ',' . $this->get_signup_ip($subscriber) . ',' . $this->get_signup_date($subscriber) . ',Unconfirmed subscriber' . "\r\n";
            return $exportcsv;
         * Get an object of all categories, include default and custom type
         * @since 1
         * @param    boolean   $include included categories
         * @param    orderby   $orderby criteria for order the cats
         * @return   string  $option string which contains all the options to be shown
        function all_cats($include = false, $orderby = 'slug') {
            $all_cats = array();
            $bnm_taxonomies = array('category');
            $bnm_taxonomies = apply_filters('bnm_taxonomies', $bnm_taxonomies);
            foreach ($bnm_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                if (taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) {
                    $all_cats = array_merge($all_cats, get_categories(array('hide_empty' => false, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy)));
            if ($include === true) {
                $included = explode(',', $this->bnm_options['include']);
                // need to use $id like this as this is a mixed array / object
                $id = 0;
                foreach ($all_cats as $cat) {
                    if (!in_array($cat->term_id, $included)) {
            return $all_cats;
         * Sets all default messages to be shown
         * @since 1
        function messages_to_show() {
            $this->confirmation_sent = __('Confirmation sent', 'bnm');
            $this->already_subscribed = __('Already subscribed', 'bnm');
            $this->not_subscribed = __('Not subscribed', 'bnm');
            $this->not_an_email = __('That is not an email', 'bnm');
            $this->error = __('Error', 'bnm');
            $this->mail_sent = __('Email sent', 'bnm');
            $this->mail_failed = __('Mail failed', 'bnm');
            $this->form = __('Form', 'bnm');
            $this->no_such_email = __('El correo que intenta confirmar no existe en nuestra base de datos', 'bnm');
            $this->added = __('Su email ha sido confirmado, bienvenido a nuestro Breaking News', 'bnm');
            $this->deleted = __('Su correo ha sido eliminado de nuestra lista de Breaking News', 'bnm');
            $this->subscribe = __('Subscribe', 'bnm');
            $this->unsubscribe = __('Unsubscribe', 'bnm');
            $this->confirm_subject = __('Confirm subject', 'bnm');
            $this->options_saved = __('Options Saved', 'bnm');
            $this->options_reset = __('Options Reset', 'bnm');
        /*     * ****** Geters ******* */
         * Get the link of the page to be shown when a user clicks on the confirmation link
         * @since 1
         * @return   string  $url page link
        function get_confirmation_page_link() {
            $url = get_site_url();
            if ($this->bnm_options['bnmpage'] > 0) {
                $page = get_page($this->bnm_options['bnmpage']);
                $url .= "/" . $page->post_name;
            return $url;
         * Function to add UTM tracking details to links
         * @since 1
         * @param    link    $link    initial link
         * @return   link with the UTM tracking
        function get_tracking_link($link) {
            if (!empty($this->bnm_options['tracking'])) {
                $delimiter = '?';
                if (strpos($link, $delimiter) > 0) {
                    $delimiter = '&';
                return $link . $delimiter . $this->bnm_options['tracking'];
            } else {
                return $link;
         * Given a public subscriber ID, returns the email address
         * @since 1
         * @param    id    $id    user id
         * @return   $email  email of the user
        function get_email($id = 0) {
            global $wpdb;
            if (!$id) {
                return false;
            return $wpdb->get_var("SELECT email FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE id=$id and status=1");
         * Collects the signup date for subscribers
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   signup date
        function get_signup_date($email = '') {
            if ('' == $email) {
                return false;
            global $wpdb;
            if (!empty($this->signup_dates)) {
                return date_format(date_create($this->signup_dates[$email]), 'd-m-Y');
            } else {
                $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT email, date FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE status=1", ARRAY_N);
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    $this->signup_dates[$result[0]] = $result[1];
                return date_format(date_create($this->signup_dates[$email]), 'd-m-Y');
         * Collects the ip address for subscribers
         * @since 1
         * @param    email    $email    users email
         * @return   sign up ip
        function get_signup_ip($email = '') {
            if ('' == $email) {
                return false;
            global $wpdb;
            if (!empty($this->signup_ips)) {
                return $this->signup_ips[$email];
            } else {
                $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT email, ip FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE status=1", ARRAY_N);
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    $this->signup_ips[$result[0]] = $result[1];
                return $this->signup_ips[$email];
         * Gets the ip address of the visitor
         * @since 1
         * @return   ip address
        function get_visitor_ip_addr() {
            if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
                $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
            } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
                $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
            } else {
                $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            return $ip;
         * Collects the email address for all  confirmed  or unconfirmed subscribers
         * default confirmed ones
         * @since 1
         * @param    confirmed    $confirmed    users email
         * @return   array $emails
        function get_all_emails($confirmed = 1) {
            global $wpdb;
            if ($confirmed) {
                return $wpdb->get_col("SELECT email FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE active=1 and status=1 ");
            } else {
                return $wpdb->get_col("SELECT email FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE active=0 and status=1");
         * Given a public subscriber email, returns the subscriber ID
         * @since 1
         * @param    email   $email    users email
         * @return  id
        function get_id($email = '') {
            global $wpdb;
            if (!$email) {
                return false;
            return $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM " . BNM_USERS . " WHERE CAST(email as binary)='$email' and status=1");
         * Get the bnm options array
         * @since 1
         * @return  array bnm options
        function get_bnm_options() {
            return get_option('bnm_options');
         * Get all subscribers
         * @since 1
         * @return  array subscribers
        function get_all_subscribers() {
            $confirmed = $this->get_all_emails();
            $unconfirmed = $this->get_all_emails(0);
            return array_merge((array) $confirmed, (array) $unconfirmed);
         * Get all subscribers to be shown on the admin page
         * @since 1
         * @param        $_GET    global var
         * @param        $_my_post   global var
         * @return  array subscribers
        function get_subscribers($_my_get, $_my_post) {
            $confirmed = $this->get_all_emails();
            $unconfirmed = $this->get_all_emails(0);
            if ($confirmed == '') {
                $confirmed = array();
            if ($unconfirmed == '') {
                $unconfirmed = array();
            $urlpath = str_replace("\\", "/", BNM_PATH);
            $urlpath = trailingslashit(get_option('siteurl')) . substr($urlpath, strpos($urlpath, "wp-content/"));
            if (isset($_my_get['bnmpage'])) {
                $page = (int) $_my_get['bnmpage'];
            } else {
                $page = 1;
            if (isset($_my_post['what'])) {
                $page = 1;
                if ($_my_post['what'] == 'all' || $_my_post['what'] == 'all_users') {
                    $what = 'all';
                    $subscribers = array_merge((array) $confirmed, (array) $unconfirmed);
                } elseif ($_my_post['what'] == 'confirmed') {
                    $what = 'confirmed';
                    $subscribers = $confirmed;
                } elseif ($_my_post['what'] == 'unconfirmed') {
                    $what = 'unconfirmed';
                    $subscribers = $unconfirmed;
            } elseif (isset($_my_get['what'])) {
                if ('all' == $_my_get['what'] || $_my_get['what'] == "all_users") {
                    $what = 'all';
                    $subscribers = array_merge((array) $confirmed, (array) $unconfirmed);
                } elseif ('confirmed' == $_my_get['what']) {
                    $what = 'confirmed';
                    $subscribers = $confirmed;
                } elseif ('unconfirmed' == $_my_get['what']) {
                    $what = 'unconfirmed';
                    $subscribers = $unconfirmed;
            } else {
                $what = 'all';
                $subscribers = array_merge((array) $confirmed, (array) $unconfirmed);
            if (isset($_my_post['searchterm']) && $_my_post['searchterm']) {
                $subscribers = &$this->search_result;
                $what = 'public';
            $return = Array();
            $return [$what] = $subscribers;
            return $return;
         * Load all js required for this plugin
         * @since 1
        function bnm_load_jquery() {
            wp_enqueue_script('jquery-form-val', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '../js/jquery.form.js','jquery');
            wp_enqueue_script('jquery-validate', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '../js/jquery.validate.js');
            wp_enqueue_script('jquery-validate-spanish', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '../js/messages_es.js','jquery-validate');
            wp_enqueue_script('bnm_ajax', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '../js/bnm_subscription_ajax.js','jquery-form-val');
            // Get current page protocol
            $protocol = isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? 'https://' : 'https://';
            // Output admin-ajax.php URL with same protocol as current page
            $params = array(
                'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php', $protocol)
            wp_localize_script('bnm_ajax', 'bnm_ajax', $params);
         * Adds the slyle for the feedback messages on the widget
         * @since 1
        function add_css_bnm() {
                label.error { float: none; color: red; padding-left: .5em; vertical-align: top; display:inline-block;}
         * Load the javascript only in the admin page
         * @since 1
        function checkbox_form_js() {
            $this->script_debug = ( defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '.dev' : '';
            wp_register_script('s2_checkbox', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '../js/s2_checkbox' . $this->script_debug . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.1');
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