• All this info on description also plugin saying:
    “this is still a knife, and in the hands of somebody who doesn’t understand it and just use it without thinking, it might end badly”

    Is totally useless and pointless. There are 5 total buttons to this plugin;
    Scan -> Scan media library
    Delete -> Delete selected items
    Ignore -> Ignore selected items
    Delete All -> Delete all found issues
    Reset -> Reset status

    So, it’s not a rocket science, the plugin suppose to find unused uploaded media elements and help you delete them easily. I really have hard time understanding how can you use this plugin wrongly.

    Problem is plugin does not work. Here I will tell what happened. I took a full cPanel backup before using this plugin so nothing to worry on my end. I installed it and activated then I clicked on Scan then it pretty much showed all 381 media items as issues in the list. That threw me off a bit because it’s not suppose to but I assumed it may have found unused version of files like some other cleaning plugins do. Once media uploaded their different resolution copies gets saved, so I thought plugin found those. Then I clicked delete all, it deleted entire media library, all 381 media items gone.

    After all, if you are incapable of creating a reliable plugin that does what it promises on a newly installed latest WordPress and deletes all media files, then you should probably remove it from here, correct issues within it then put it back.

    I am totally disguised how bad talking defensive author putting blame on people because they trusted his plugin would do what it promises and did not backup their website. Very unprofessional!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by bdbrown. Reason: Changed title to reflect review content
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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Sorry to say, but you are totally off. You are certainly not a developer to write such a review; otherwise, you would know the difficulty and also the impossibility to write such a plugin. It is impossible to write a plugin that actually cleans your media files safely. That is exactly why I warn the users, even though the buttons are simple and easy to understand, but the system is complex (and I mention all that, as you know). Your modified your review but you mentioned about I say it’s a knife, if you don’t like this metaphor then you can imagine a robot that throw away objects in your house that you don’t use anymore. How would you do it? It can’t be exact, and it is the same with this plugin. If you don’t believe me, ask a developer who knows about WordPress.

    So I have no idea why you rant is about exactly. Because I warn the users multiple times? Well, if I don’t do so, people would destroy their installs, and you know what, I am here to help, I am here to warn, I am here to make this better. And this plugin went through a lot and got much better, and the warnings are also part of the improvement process.

    Now a few questions:

    1. There were only 381 medias detected as not in use. Why you didn’t check if they were actually in use? It’s your install, right? You didn’t look?

    2. Did you know this is a trash function in the plugin? You can un-trash the trashed images. This is for safety. You didn’t mention it, so you didn’t use it?

    3. Let’s take the first image of those 381 medias detected in the plugin. Where is it used? Can you show me where and how is it used in your install?

    Please reply to those questions if you want your review to be honest and serious. Right now it doesn’t mean anything for anyone.

    The plugin actually works very well and I have a lot of happy users. I can’t take it out of the repository, fix it, and put it back. And if there is a problem, we can un-trash the items easily. Most people are happy to help in case there is an issue, and I am happy to work with them.

    I am not sure who is really unprofessional here, but certainly writing a review with such tags as disgusting, horrible, and terrible doesn’t sound really serious to me.

    PS: You also mention Media Cleanup before, I don’t know if you realized but the plugin can’t be compared at all. Media Cleanup deletes only the generated images. Media Cleaner can do it too, it depends on how you play with the options, but most of the time the users want to delete more than just generated images, but actually unused ones, though registered in WordPress.

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