• Kittyface


    This garbage just got me thrown off my hosting for sending repeated backups to my server.

    I had selected the back up to dropbox option after my host sent me an email saying I was abusing the server. I thought this would sort it out as I wasn’t now backing up to the server but it appears this plugin takes no notice of the settings and gets you thrown off your server!

    I hadn’t even set up an automted backup and was just sendiong one maunual backup to dropbox but this piece of S+++ SENT MULTIPLE BACKUPS AND OVERLOADED MY SERVER ONCE AGAIN!

    This is on top of the fact that this garbage rarely works properly and I have spent countless days trying to make the plugin successfully back up my files.

    What an unfortunate and costly waste of time and effort this garbage is.


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  • Daniel Hüsken


    Sorry, that you have problems with BackWPup. But for resolving what happens we need more information. Many depends on hoster and plugins installed. If you have trobble you can open a support thred and we will help you.



    @kittyface For your future activities in the www.remarpro.com forums, please post a support request when you find something not working as expected. (I wasn’t able to find one regarding BackWPup in your profile). Open source is all about collaboration. I understand you’re frustrated, but blowing out a devastating review won’t make you any happier, nor would it help fixing a potential error. Next time please consider opening a support thread, call us a bunch of a**holes there if it makes you feel better, but then work with us in order to help making the plugin better for everyone.

    Ryan Hellyer


    Have you found any plugins which do work with your host? Some hosts just can’t handle long processes and hang. I’ve used this plugin and was actually quite surprised at how well it works.

    If you haven’t found any plugins which work, then I suggest changing your rating of the plugin, as it may be that your host can’t handle any backup plugins at all and you are unfairly down-rating this one.

    Thread Starter Kittyface



    There is no problem with my host I was backing up fine when the plugin actually decided it might like to work?

    I had multiple issues with saving to dropbox and other services, not just my host. Timeouts all over the place and a basic refusal to complete most of the tasks without constant checking or trying to rework the save through setting changes after searching all the threads on the net and forum.

    I have wasted countless hour watching the bars not complete to 100% and to be honest it was getting very tiresome. The final straw was the plugin costing me more time and money.

    The Plugin was sending repeated back ups to my host and being seen as abusing the system. I removed the option to back up to my server but the plugin took no notice and continued to spam my server,getting me booted in the process.
    The amount of times I was having to re run jobs meant my server was being bombarded because of the weight of jobs being started and aborted.

    You only have to look at the other reviews to see this has happened to more users than just me so Please don’t expect me to remove this helpful post. I see posts just like mine from two years ago and the situation remains the same?
    Just because you don’t see my posts as being helpful doesn’t mean it won’t be helpful to others?
    Maybe it will improve the product and you will thank me in the end?

    I have now sorted the issue by deleting the plugin so your help with this isn’t now required and neither do I need reminding of my obligations to the open source community? I prefer to call a spade a spade and protect everyone, not just plugin authors.

    Personally I don’t use the term A** Hole either and don’t judge people as being bad? I don’t blame you that the product isn’t any where near being safe to deploy in all situations because that’s difficult to do.
    At least you seem genuinely concerned about the situation but the above is an unfortunate fact that your going to have to get comfortable with.

    Thank you for your time and concern, I hope you can work this out for the future but I certainly won’t be back.

    All the best.

    Plugin Author Alex Frison


    Hey Kittyface,

    I’m sorry that you have wasted an amount of time and nerves with this problem, but I’m sure we can solve this together.

    But unlike you, I don’t think that your post is helpful to anybody!

    You don’t mention which host are you using, which WordPress Version, Which BackWPup Version and which other Plugins. Unfortunately this is not a very constructive information that you give. Nor for us to find a solution or trying to reproduce the problem and neither for any user out there.

    As you are saying:

    “You only have to look at the other reviews to see this has happened to more users than just me …. I see posts just like mine from two years ago and the situation remains the same?”

    You are mentioning reviews from two years ago! Did you even think about why there aren’t any reviews like this since 2 years anymore? Because we fixed it! And I’m happy to explain it in detail for you and everyone else:

    To prevent to run multiple simultaneous jobs, a file similar to the known .pid file type will be written in BackWPup. If there is a restart, BackWPup checks whether this file exists and when it was written the last time. If it exists, and the period of the last writing, is less than 5 minutes ago, it will abort a restart. Nevertheless, we have already seen, with the use of a caching plugin, that the job is starting several times again. So it might be this problem occurs with our plugin, your host and maybe with your caching plugin.

    It would be great and we would really appreciate that, if you just don’t leave and we can solve this problem together so it really helps other users!

    I hope hearing back from you!


    You may want to consider finding a hosting company that is less restrictive or has more horsepower. We regularly back up over 20 websites, some with over a GB of images. Weekly database; monthly full site. We’ve not run into any server issues.

    hey bro, can o==you say how you managed to back u with dropbox ? it always give me a error when authentcating dropbox

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