• Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Hi all,

    I just wanted to add a high priority note/reminder to NOT uninstall NextGEN Gallery 2.0 if you are having problems. If you formally uninstall the plugin, it deletes all data, including your galleries.

    If you are having issues with 2.0 and want to roll back to the previous version (1.9.13), here are some step by step instructions for doing so safely:


    As noted in the other sticky post at the top of this forum, if you are having major issues, we’d also love to hear about them so we can resolve them, so consider posting a new thread or looking for one on the same issue.

    [Signature removed by moderator per forum rules.]


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  • I cant even access my WP admin anymore ??

    Just get this error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 491520 bytes) in /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/admin/manage-images.php on line 499

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Hey Everyone!

    So very sorry to hear about the errors you’re seeing and if you lost any content from uninstalling ?? Those of you who missed our warning, WordPress does a good job cleaning up when you select to remove a plugin, unfortunately we have no control over their clean up process which removes everything associated with the plugin when uninstalling. In the future, we strongly recommend backing up your entire site (MySQL database + server files) before making any major changes (i.e. installing something new or removing something big!)

    Those of you who are seeing blank options and fatal errors, would you mind sending as much detail as you can through our bug report form here: https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ including login credentials to your site? PLEASE do not post your login details in the forum here, only through the bug report form!

    If you also wouldn’t mind temporarily deactivating all plugins (including NextGEN Gallery) and then re-activating NextGEN Gallery only > clear browser cache and reload your site. Does that help resolve the issue you’re seeing? If not, while all plugins except NextGEN are deactivated, temporarily switch to a WordPress default theme (i.e. Twenty Twelve), does that work? Just trying to see if there are any plugin or theme incompatibilities.

    For those experiencing Fatal Errors, if you were to contact your server host tech support and request that the memory in your installed php.ini file be increased to 250MB, does that help resolve the fatal error you’re seeing?

    If the above suggestions do not help, please submit your bug reports through this form – these reports go straight to our developers to help find a solution asap! https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/

    Thank you!

    Kinda pissed right now! Updated the gallery with version 2.0 and the gallery will not display nore will the tinymce button work correctly, Usually when there is an update I’ll do it so that all files are current. I am uploading the older version now to try and fix it. I have a lot of galleries and a lot of content that took me 6months to create, if there is going to be an issue shouldn’t nextgen figure it out before they release the new version or at the very least let folks know there could be issues with the new version? Now I have to deal with this issue that’s taking time away from other things that need to be done.

    Well, I fortunately was able to access the admin area and uninstall 2.0 entirely. Only lost a couple galleries and slideshow widgets. My problem was one gallery worked. Another gallery and slideshow changed the images from name.jpg to name-jpg. So no images were displayed. Both galleries were created prior to the upgrade.

    I rolled back to last working version and now all is OK.

    My wordpress site/installation is not affected by this bug.

    I can′t see any of my galleries, and I can′t even edit the pages, where I have the galleries. I tried to add a new page and adding a gallery there, but it was only possible to ad single pictures.
    I say this doesn′t work at all, and now I have an Art site with no galleries ??
    Shall I role back or is this plugin going to be fixed? If I role back I doen′t think I ever upgrade again.


    I am having an issue where this new version of NextGen stops the dropdowns on my menu working. When I de-activate it, it all works again. I’m using an Elegant Themes theme for my site.

    Will roll back to previous version.

    not happy with 2.0 at all. rollback necessary. Changing CSS, options, etc throughout multiple client sites not an option.

    how do i rollback if I can’t access the server via FTP. The situation is I run the wordpress website for an org but don’t have server access (yet?) and well, communication with that guy is not the best.


    I have only two errors. In version 1.9.3 I have a page with a NextGen Galery. The pictures are in 3 columns and as much as rows the galery need. After upgrading to Version 2.0 there is only 1 column.

    The other error is a problem with the slidshow. In the options of 1.9.3 I use the JW Image Rotator. In 2.0 the Slideshow doesn’t work. May bee I have to set the path to JW Image Rotator in 2.0 again, but I didn’t the option.

    Meanwhile I restored the Version 1.9.3 and everything works fine.

    Well, I survived the first shock. ??

    As far as I can say the most annoying issue with 2.0 is that it indeed loads quite a bunch of shit, but does not load your own customized nggallery.css in the theme folder anymore…

    Even if I’m wrong with this: Please don’t be as stupid as I was. This is: Do not upgrade your productive system to 2.0 without having tested it on your localhost! ??

    I downgraded to 1.9.3 and found this hint (4th comment of simoneast) helpful to prevent NGG from asking asking again to be upgraded to 2.0.

    Halt stand, rotes Madrid!


    Hello, after update

    not activated



    viewing site on a 24″ and 17″ screen everything is fine once I view on half a screen or if using a Ipad it overlaps. When the responsive theme gets the phone size everything is also fine.

    I know this tip won’t help most of you at this point and I wish it were different, but its not. I’ve been working with WordPress both dot com and dot org or self hosted sites for about 9 years and I’ve had my share of frustration and left me really, really pissed.

    So here’s my tip that I give to all of my clients and I follow on my own WordPress sites. Never, ever upgrade a plugin for at least a week or two and review either the plugin author’s bug report or the WordPress directory Log for any reported bugs with the new upgrade…Or if lucky, they’re forum.

    This plugin came out late last night or early this morning and within two hours I began to see issues with 2.0.0 – hence I saved 11 clients NextGen Galleries because I shot a warning email to them. Now I’m a rock star!!

    Thanks for this step by step guide. I updated to 2.0 and it just killed my gallery dead. The album thumbnails were showing but when I clicked on them I got a 404.

    The thought of re-uploading 4000+ images was making me feel violently ill but re-installing the previous version has sorted it with only some minor things that needed to be sorted. I won’t be upgrading until you’re a few versions on with a stable release. I nearly had a heart attack.

    Ok so if you did not read this entry before deleting the new NextGen… and got an almost heart attack when trying to figure out what happend and saw that everything was lost… then maybe the following might be of use:

    I made a backup and reinstalled an old version of the NextGen Gallery through ftp and then went into my WordPress admin.
    go to add gallery-images
    go to Import image folder
    brows in wp-content/gallery/

    and hopefully you will find all your pictures there like I did.. You do have to ajust your pages… It is still a bit of work, but at least you do not have to upload over 1000 picture like I did..

    now take a cup of coffee, stop shaking and try it after taking a deep breath!

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