thanks ljmac.
this venture in BuddyPress land is turning into a nightmare. the main BP itself it’s been branded as a “modern, robust, and sophisticated social network software”, WPMU staff is one of the most advanced and knowledgeable in the field, but it’s clear (to me, at least) they both have paid little attention on how the social network world does the biz.
they both have done a fantastic job only to miss on obvious (again, to me, at least) points.
comments are not something you can ignore and neglect out of your feature set, so if you create a plugin for loading media in a post, the same has to happen on comments. BP does not allow it? well, ask them to, and in the mean time let us users know about the issue: i’m sure we’d have all joined in and asked BP team about it too a long time ago.
still on comments, you cannot have notifications on new posts and not on new comments! that’s what a poster on a social network will be waiting for all along, otherwise s/he would just get a blog!!!
and no social network fires a post cos you are attaching a media, no way. the point is not the attachment, the point is the whole post, hence you ought to let your users finish what they’re doing before enjoying the extra “embellishment”.
sorry for the rant, but i’ve spent days on issues i’d have not even imagined in my wildest dreams that i’d have to face.
oh well, back on the search for a solution for attaching media to poor old comments on BuddyPress. i think the rtMedia staff was offering one, let’s hope that does not come with attached “hidden strings” too.