Hi malae,
Well the problem of the button next is because i put one rule, if the last result is less than the quantity ask, this means that there are not more image to show, so ask a next page is not logic, i see the problem to less the button like that so will put in the button next and before disabled when is not possible to do anything with then.
LAST and FIRST means that you will search from the order of upload in your data base, the last upload will be the first result with LAST and the last if is FIRST , and numberOfPage is: if you have 60 images upload in your wordpress site, in plugin form quantity 20 and you have a value of 1 in numberOfPage this means thah the result will show the list from 20 to 40, if value is 2 the result will be the list from 40 to 06 and if value is 0 -> 0 to 20, that way when you change the to last you cant do next because you are in the last values of this order
The button reset is not working for the moment, so normally if you made next this value increases and before decreases but i see that the plugin have a bug because is not updating this value (you will see if you made refresh in your browser) i will fix this tonight.
If i remenber the rules of www.remarpro.com, i cant put my email here, but i will fix my blog and update it, that way you can send me more information.
I will put some information about what is what in the option page.
And for change made from 0.82 to 1.2 it will be a lots to explain, but in a few words i put Backbonejs for the html, this will call the php code only for get information, this is more fast and less expensive to the server.
Thanks again for your feedback, always is nice to see someone concerned about my plugin and who sent me feedback polite