• Resolved nosilver4u


    I’ve been testing compatibility between this plugin and EWWW Image Optimizer in getting ready for the release of 4.4, and I’ve run across a quirk when viewing the Media Library in List view. EWWW I.O. has a webp function, and to track those, EWWW lists them in the attachment metadata with height and width = 0. On most images, RICG seems to ignore these. However, certain conditions seem to trigger a warning (seems to be 1 per .webp file):

    Warning: Division by zero in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/wp-tevko-responsive-images.php on line 239

    These seem to be the conditions, as far as I can tell:

    1. A WebP variant of the full size must exist.

    2. The image must be portrait orientation (height > width).


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  • Plugin Contributor Joe McGill


    I believe this should be fixed in the latest version of the plugin. Could you try updating and confirm?


    Thread Starter nosilver4u


    Problem appears to be resolved, I’m not seeing any more warnings on the Media Library. Thanks!

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