Thanks for your message.
We recently received a message regarding a conflict with divi builder and we did investigated the issue and we found that the map is working perfectly in the WordPress dashboard and you should be able to edit and customize the map as you wish, also the map is working just fine in the frontend pages.
However when you use the map shortcode in divi builder in the backend, the builder stop working. The problem is that divi builder is trying to display everything in the builder (in general that could be good thing to facilitate editing of content), but it fails to load the interactive map with its related scripts and gives errors, maybe because the builder is designed to handle specific or simple content (images, text, or preset content).
We got in touch with the friendly divi team and offered them a suggestion of a possible fix for this conflict by simply displaying the shortcode as a text (just like default WordPress workflow) instead of trying to display the interactive map with all its supporting files, and they said they will added this to their bug tracker for investigation by their Dev team. They will be investigating it and if it is something they can fix that would be done in the next couple of releases.
Meanwhile, I suggest that you use the default WordPress builder to edit that page or temporary deactivate the map until you edit the page.
I hope that gives you a clear answer to your question.
Kind regards
Support Team