Hello again,
it’s not your theme as far as I have understood the WP loop for the feed. What wp does to create the feed is basically the following:
- it looks whether you want to have the summary in the feed or not
- if so, it takes the post excerpt of a post as summary of the post
- if not so, it takes the post content as text for the feed
So, what happens if you have checked the ‘summary’ box in the settings and you have no post excerpt defined, is that it still falls back to the whole post content.
You could check whether the feed changes the behaviour / looks if you just take one of your old posts and write some text as the post excerpt and save it.
Then you empty the cache of your browser and look at your rss or atom feed again. At least that one post should have changed by now.
And about WP 3.6… I just try to avoid not working plugins with upgrading the WP core. ??