Sorry for not being part of the discussion. I simply don’t have time for WordPress development anymore. I just checked compatibility with WP 3.8 and updated the plugin.
As cazman mentioned, there were a couple deprecated jQuery features that I have removed from the plugin, though I doubt that was the cause of your trouble.
Now, to give a little explanation of how the plugin works: the Vertical and Cascade styles are put together by the server and then sent to the web browser. This makes them the most reliable options.
The rest of the styles are put together by javascript code running in the web browser. The easiest way to load images and manipulate them using javascript is to first load them somewhere on the page. The AlpinePhotoTiles_image_list_class <div> is where the plugin puts all the images and then waits for the browser to announce when it is done. I don’t want the user to see the images loading, which is why this <div> is hidden. Once the images are loaded, the javascript portion of the plugin puts together the display (Windows, Gallery, etc).
There are 2 reasons (that I know of) for why the plugin stops before putting together the display.
First, the javascript files are supposed to be loaded in the bottom of the web page by the WordPress theme, but some themes don’t do this correctly. The “Load Scripts and Styles in Header” option corrects this by loading the files at the top of a web page.
Second, if another javascript plugin crashes or conflicts with the PhotoTile plugin, nothing will be displayed. If that is the case, there is nothing I can do (I don’t claim to be a javascript expert, but I have put a lot of time into testing the plugin).
The easiest way to figure out if the problem is with the PhotoTile plugin, the theme, or another plugin is to use one of the default WordPress plugin (which are well written) and then enable one plugin at a time.
I hope that helps. There is definitely a learning cure to problem solving these things. One last thing I would mention is that you can listen to your browser and see if it announces any errors. Using Chrome or Firefox, go to your website, right-click anywhere on the page, and select “Inspect Element”. A panel should appear at the bottom of the page. Select the “Console” tab and then reload the page.