Displaying Tracked Records based on user role
I saw a resolved request from a couple of weeks ago that is similar to what we need to do. That request was to use the short code to show the tracked data for all users instead of just that of the logged in user.
We have a membership site with employees of several different companies as users. We have set up the users with a different role that represents the company they belong to. So, we can see login data by company by using the available filters.
However, the management of our customers would like to be able to check if their employees are logging into our site without submitting a request to us. We would like to set up a page for them that would only show their employees login data.
Is this something that could be done with a query, custom short code, or something else?
for the current version i.e. 1.6, you can achieve this by modifying the Where Query in the following file:
Thanks for your response. But, I’ve looked at file and don’t see that this option will work for us.
Please try these two modified files and let me know if it works.
File: /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/user-login-history/public/class-user-login-history-public-list-table-helper.php
I modified this file to add where query.class User_Login_History_Public_List_Table_Helper { public function prepare_where_query() { $fields = array( 'date_from', 'date_to', ); $sql_query = FALSE; $count_query = FALSE; $values = array(); $date_type = FALSE; if(isset($_GET['date_type'])) { if ("login" == $_GET['date_type']) { $date_type = 'login'; } if ("logout" == $_GET['date_type']) { $date_type = 'logout'; } } foreach ($fields as $field) { $data_type = "%s"; $operator_sign = "="; if (isset($_GET[$field]) && "" != $_GET[$field]) { $getValue = $_GET[$field]; if ($date_type) { $Date_Time_Helper = new User_Login_History_Date_Time_Helper(); $default_timezone = $Date_Time_Helper->get_default_timezone(); $getValue = $Date_Time_Helper->convert_to_user_timezone($getValue, 'Y-m-d', $default_timezone); if ('date_from' == $field) { $field = 'time_' . $date_type; $operator_sign = ">="; $getValue = $getValue . " 00:00:00"; } if ('date_to' == $field) { $field = 'time_' . $date_type; $operator_sign = "<="; $getValue = $getValue . " 23:59:59"; } } $sql_query .= " AND $field $operator_sign $data_type "; $values[] = esc_sql($getValue); } } //New Custom Line Start $user = wp_get_current_user(); if(!empty($user->roles[0])){ $sql_query .= " AND old_role LIKE %s "; $values[] = $user->roles[0]; } //New Custom Line End return !$sql_query ? FALSE : array('sql_query' => $sql_query, 'count_query' => $sql_query, 'values' => $values); } }
File: /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/user-login-history/public/partials/listing/listing.php
I modified this file to add a column i.e. username in the table and removed user_id from where query.<?php global $wpdb, $current_user,$wp; if (!$current_user->ID) { _e('Error- Unable to find user id. Please login.', 'user-login-history'); return; } $unknown = __('Unknown', 'user-login-history'); $options = get_option(ULH_PLUGIN_OPTION_PREFIX . 'frontend_fields'); if (!$options) { _e('No Fields has been selected from admin panel. Please select fields from frontend option tab of the plugin setting.', 'user-login-history'); return; } $options['old_role'] = isset($options['old_role']) ? $options['old_role'] : FALSE; $options['ip_address'] = isset($options['ip_address']) ? $options['ip_address'] : FALSE; $options['browser'] = isset($options['browser']) ? $options['browser'] : FALSE; $options['operating_system'] = isset($options['operating_system']) ? $options['operating_system'] : FALSE; $options['country'] = isset($options['country']) ? $options['country'] : FALSE; $options['last_seen'] = isset($options['last_seen']) ? $options['last_seen'] : FALSE; $options['login'] = isset($options['login']) ? $options['login'] : FALSE; $options['logout'] = isset($options['logout']) ? $options['logout'] : FALSE; $options['duration'] = isset($options['duration']) ? $options['duration'] : FALSE; $Public_List_Table_Helper = new User_Login_History_Public_List_Table_Helper(); $user_timezone = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, ULH_PLUGIN_OPTION_PREFIX . "user_timezone", TRUE); $limit = get_option(ULH_PLUGIN_OPTION_PREFIX . 'frontend_limit'); $table = $wpdb->prefix . ULH_TABLE_NAME; $Paginator_Helper = new User_Login_History_Paginator_Helper(); $Date_Time_Helper = new User_Login_History_Date_Time_Helper(); $default_timezone = $Date_Time_Helper->get_default_timezone(); $current_date_time = $Date_Time_Helper->get_current_date_time(); $count_query = "select count(id) from " . $table . " where 1 "; $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " where 1 "; $prepare_sql = $Public_List_Table_Helper->prepare_where_query(); $sql_query .= $prepare_sql['sql_query']; //REMOVED LINE //$sql_query .= " AND user_id = $current_user->ID"; $count_query .= $prepare_sql['count_query']; //REMOVED LINE //$count_query .= " AND user_id = $current_user->ID"; $sql_query .= " order by id DESC"; $options_pagination = array(); $options_pagination['count_query'] = $count_query; $options_pagination['values'] = $prepare_sql['values']; $options_pagination['sql_query'] = $sql_query; $options_pagination['limit'] = $limit; $paginations = $Paginator_Helper->pagination($options_pagination); $page_links = $paginations['page_links']; $logins = $paginations['rows']; $timezones = User_Login_History_Date_Time_Helper :: get_timezone_list(); ?> <form name="user_login_history_public_filter_form" method="get" action=""> <table width="100%" class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <td><input readonly="readonly" autocomplete="off" placeholder="From" id="date_from" name="date_from" value="<?php echo isset($_GET['date_from']) ? esc_html($_GET['date_from']) : "" ?>" class="textfield-bg"></td> <td><input readonly="readonly" autocomplete="off" placeholder="To" name="date_to" id="date_to" value="<?php echo isset($_GET['date_to']) ? esc_html($_GET['date_to']) : "" ?>" class="textfield-bg"></td> <td> <select name="date_type" class="selectfield-bg"> <?php $date_types = array('login' => 'Login', 'logout' => 'Logout'); foreach ($date_types as $date_type_key => $date_type) { ?> <option value="<?php print $date_type_key ?>" <?php selected(isset($_GET['date_type']) ? $_GET['date_type'] : "", $date_type_key); ?>> <?php echo $date_type ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('FILTER', 'user-login-history') ?>" name="ulh_public_filter_form_submit" class="go-bg"> </td> <td> <?php echo "<a class='ulh-cancel-link' href=".(explode('?', home_url( $wp->request ), 2)[0])."> ".__('RESET', 'user-login-history')."</a>";?> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </form> <div> <p><?php _e('This table is showing time in the timezone', 'user-login-history') ?> - <strong><?php echo $user_timezone ? $user_timezone : $default_timezone ?></strong></p> <p><select id="select_timezone" name="<?php echo $option_name ?>"> <option value="0"><?php _e('Select Timezone', 'user-login-history') ?></option> <?php foreach ($timezones as $timezone) { ?> <option value="<?php print $timezone['zone'] ?>" <?php selected($user_timezone, $timezone['zone']); ?>> <?php echo $timezone['zone'] . "(" . $timezone['diff_from_GMT'] . ")" ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select></p> </div> <table> <thead style="cursor: pointer;"> <tr> <th><u><?php _e('Sr. No', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <!-- NEW COLUMN HEADER - START--> <th><u><?php _e('Username', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <!-- NEW COLUMN HEADER - END--> <?php if ($options['old_role']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('<span class="btf-tooltip" title="Role while user gets loggedin">Old Role(?)</span>', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['ip_address']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('IP', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['browser']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('Browser', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['operating_system']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('OS', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['country']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('Country', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['duration']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('Duration', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['last_seen']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('<span title="Last seen time in the session">Last Seen(?)</span>', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['login']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('Login', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } if ($options['logout']) { ?> <th><u><?php _e('Logout', 'user-login-history'); ?></u></th> <?php } do_action('user_login_history_frontend_table_th', $options); ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $no = 1; if (!empty($logins)) { ?> <?php foreach ($logins as $login) { $time_login = $Date_Time_Helper->convert_to_user_timezone($login->time_login, '', $user_timezone); $time_logout = strtotime($login->time_logout) ? $Date_Time_Helper->convert_to_user_timezone($login->time_logout, '', $user_timezone) : 'Loggedin'; $to_time = strtotime($login->time_logout) ? $login->time_logout : $login->time_last_seen; $duration = date('H:i:s', strtotime($to_time) - strtotime($login->time_login)); $country = in_array(strtolower($login->country_name), array('', 'unknown')) ? $unknown : $login->country_name . "(" . $login->country_code . ")"; ?> <tr> <td ><?php echo $no; ?></td> <!-- NEW COLUMN VALUE - START--> <td ><?php echo $login->username ? $login->username : $unknown; ?></td> <!-- NEW COLUMN VALUE - END--> <?php if ($options['old_role']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $login->old_role ? $login->old_role : $unknown; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['ip_address']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $login->ip_address ? $login->ip_address : $unknown; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['browser']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $login->browser ? $login->browser : $unknown; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['operating_system']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $login->operating_system ? $login->operating_system : $unknown; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['country']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $country; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['duration']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $duration; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['last_seen']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $login->time_last_seen ? $Date_Time_Helper->human_time_diff_from_now($login->time_last_seen, $user_timezone) : $unknown; ; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['login']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $time_login; ?></td> <?php } if ($options['logout']) { ?> <td ><?php echo $time_logout; ?></td> <?php } do_action('user_login_history_frontend_table_td', $options, $login); ?> </tr> <?php $no += 1; } } else { echo '<tr><td>' . __('No Records Found!', 'user-login-history') . '</tr></td>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($page_links) { echo '<div class="tablenav"><div class="tablenav-pages" style="margin: 1em 0">' . $page_links . '</div></div>'; } ?>
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
Faiyaz Alam.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
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