• Hi, Mike,

    I am organising an international online event with scheduled meetings, for example (times in server time: UCT)

    10:00 1/8/23 Meeting 1
    12:00 1/8/23 Meeting 2

    But if the user was in London (UCT+1) I want the times on the page to be adjusted accordingly. Eg

    11:00 1/8/23 Meeting 1
    13:00 1/8/23 Meeting 2

    I appreciate that this isn’t quite what your plugin does, but I wondered if you could offer any suggestions on how I can achieve this. It feels like it should be possible, but I can’t see how to do it, and I have not found any plugins that come close – yours seems to be the nearest.

    I tried to contact you via your website, but the name and email address fields on your contact form are read-only.

    Thanks for any help you (or anyone else) can offer.

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  • Plugin Author drmikegreen


    I would think that some sort of meeting scheduler plugin would do this.

    I believe Google Calendar automatically does this. E.g., If you create a Google Calendar event, then share that calendar with someone else in a different time zone it will show the event time the way you wish.

    There is, I believe, a plugin called something like Events Calendar. I would think that it should do what you want.

    Thanks for reporting the problem with the form on my website. I’ll have to fix that.

    Thread Starter anotheruserhere



    Thanks for your prompt response. 

    I think I have found a solution using a short code to take a date string (with a specified TZ) and redisplay it using the current TZ (using your plugin to set the client TZ).

    However, I got someone in Chicago to test it but they saw the time as GMT not CST as I’d have expected. If I test it here I get ‘Europe/London’ as TZ using Arc Browser but ‘GMT’ using Safari. My Chicago friend also uses a Mac so I’m wondering if it’s Safari not passing on the info you need. Is this something you have experienced?

    I have a test page at https://encounterevents.uk/test-page/ and wonder what time you see.

    Plugin Author drmikegreen


    I see ‘This event is at “11:00 AM 1/6/23 CST” or 5:00 PM, 6 Jan 2023 (GMT)’ at the link you posted. (My time zone is EDT.)

    JavaScript must be working in the browser. I have, however, not tested using Safari. But I suspect it should work.

    Thread Starter anotheruserhere


    That’s very odd as it’s not picking up your TZ. Is there any way I can debug it or see what is happening?

    Plugin Author drmikegreen


    If you are familiar with PHP, you could go to the use-clients-timezone-class.inc.php file and add output (echo) statements at appropriate places in the code.

    There is also the possibility that removing the comment out “//”s from all the places having to do with “uctz_use_for_admin” and the like would enable you to have a setting in the control panel which would make more information available. (I make this statement after a quick scan of the code. I wrote this more than a decade ago. So I’m no longer sure what those comment out-ed bits of code did. But I reckon I had them there for debugging.)

    If you’re not able to do this, I can see what I can find. It may, however, take me a few days to get to it.

    Thread Starter anotheruserhere


    I’m going to be away for the next two weeks and the code looks beyond my knowledge so if you can take a look I’d appreciate it. Once I’m back I can help debug as it seems to work for me in Arc Browser (displaying ‘Europe/London’ as my TZ) but not in Safari (displaying ‘GMT’, the server TZ).

    Plugin Author drmikegreen


    I can’t find a way to duplicate your test and, therefore, how the Use Client’s Time Zone plugin can work with it.

    Thread Starter anotheruserhere


    Here is the code for my shortcode


    • The [date] shortcode.
    • Accepts a date and displays it with the current TZ
    • @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. Default empty.
    • @param string $content Shortcode content. Default null.
    • @param string $tag Shortcode tag (name). Default empty.
    • @return string Shortcode output.
      function date_shortcode( $atts = [], $content = null, $tag = ” ) {
      // override default attributes with user attributes
      $atts = shortcode_atts(
      ‘date’ => date(“h:i A d F Y”),
      ), $atts, $tag
      ); $date=$atts['date']; $o = '<span class="event-date">'.date("g:i A, j M Y (e)", strtotime("$date")).'</span>'; // $o= $o . "<br>Input date: $date";
    • return $o; }

    add_shortcode( ‘date’, ‘date_shortcode’ );’

    And the test page (implemented at https://encounterevents.uk/test-page/) is

    ‘This event is at “11:00 AM 1/6/23 CST” or [date date=”11:00 AM 1/6/23 CST” ]’

    I looked at the code and I can’t see why it’s not working as expected. I am wondering if the JS function you call isn’t working. I took a look at that, too, but it’s way beyond me. Or, of course, it could be (and perhaps more probably is) a bug in my code that I can’t see.

    Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Plugin Author drmikegreen


    It may take me a couple of days to sort this out, since the next few days are full of other tasks to be done. Sorry. ??

    Plugin Author drmikegreen


    I cannot get your code for your shortcode to work. Perhaps you need to get someone else to diagnose this problem. Sorry. ??

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