Mordof and ShirouJune, here is my thread I started, with a solution to your problem about having Japanese show up when you type.
The specific information you wanted is this:
Update. I know can type Japanese into my site, however, I’m still struggling to find an answer to the interface front/back end problems. To solve the problem about being able to display Japanese, I found the following information:
I followed this advice:
and changed all the Collation from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8_unicode_ci
Here is the breakdown gave:
If this doesn’t make sense to you then I’ll give you a step by step break down.
1. Back up your database. Not sure how? Check out this wordpress database plugin called WP-DBManager.
2. Log into your phpMyAdmin
3. Choose your database on the left
4. Under your database on the left, click on wp_comments
5. On the right you’ll see Field, Type, Collation, Attributes, etc.
6. For the Fields that have Collation set as something other than utf8_unicode_ci you should tick the check box.
7. After you ticked all check boxes in that table, click the pencil icon at the bottom. When you mouse over it there should be a tool tip that says “change”. When you click this you can edit those fields.
8. Using the drop down box on each field you can now change the Collation from whatever it is (example latin1_swedish_ci) to the bottom selection in the drop down box which is utf8_unicode_ci.
9. Hit Save
10. Now click on the next table on the left hand side which should be called wp_links.
11. Repeat these steps for each table.
I went on to go down the list, through all the tables and where ever it had latin1_swedish_ci, I changed it to utf8_unicode_ci.
I’m still hoping someone can provide me with more information on my original question.