• Resolved Harryadf


    Hi, I’m using the Events manager plugin to display each loations events on the locations page. This all works fine using this –

    	$EM_location = em_get_location();
    	<?php echo do_shortcode('
    	[events_list limit="4" location="' . $EM_location->location_id . '"]
    			<li class="event">
    			<a href="#_EVENTURL">
    			<p>#_EVENTDATES<br /></p>
    	[/events_list]'); ?>

    What I am now trying to do is display a certain locations events on a page that isn’t related to the events in anyway. I have tried by using the locations ID to display only that locations event’s but I can’t seem to get it to work. I tried to use –

    <?php echo do_shortcode('
    [events_list limit="4" location="159"]
    		<li class="event">
    		<a href="#_EVENTURL">
    		<p>#_EVENTDATES<br /></p>
    [/events_list]'); ?>

    With 159 being the ID of the locations events I wanted to display but it just came up with no event’s, would you offer me a suggestion on what I could do?

    Thanks, Harry.


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