• AdrianMoss


    Hopefully this make sense. I want to increase the space between my posts and have the background show through in this space. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks

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  • Thread Starter AdrianMoss


    Anyone know? I’ve seen it done, but just need some help!

    This is probably a CSS adjustment of the top or bottom margin of the class .post

    If you post your site URL, someone can help.

    Thread Starter AdrianMoss


    My website is LastVoice.com. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Warning: NSFW

    Thread Starter AdrianMoss


    Anyone have any ideas? I’m trying like heck to figure it out, but cant

    syncbox told you EXACTLY what to do.

    #post { background:#FFF; margin:00px auto; padding:00px; width: 530px; float:left; }

    Change the margin 00 value to something bigger…


    I have been hanging around these forums for some time now, both requesting help and suggesting fixes for others in distress. Which is all well and good, and the purpose of these boards it is my understanding.

    I don’t have a dog in this fight so to speak, but have noticed many times your attitude when dealing with others… You are the most sanctimonious moderator I have ever seen on any board. Maybe you feel yourself so far above those who request help on any level (most likely) or vastly superior to those that display less knowledge than what you no doubt possess concerning WP- either of which is a possible source of your obvious contempt. At any rate it is apparent you are an extremely condescending person. (read:prick)Of course this makes it easy to attribute many other related characteristics about you as well, which some if not most are likely accurate..

    This is one of the most interesting phenoms of the web imHo… it gives wee wittle wusses like you the opportunity to ‘bully’ those which you would cower from in reality..

    Is it too much to ask, since other methods are impossible to employ, that you treat folks in a manner of which you would appreciate?

    You had ZERO CALL TO ENTER THE ABOVE CONVERSATION….ZERO…and then to yell at the original poster as if you are a drill instructor of some sort? Get real…

    Maybe you should research and learn something about the now infamous prison experiment here..

    you are an example in reality of someone given authority without the personality to handle it.

    I wonder how long this post will remain Napoléon?

    for others if you wonder why I post such dribble:

    here, condescension
    here just plain rude

    Hey drewactual-
    I couldn’t agree more. What gets me is the people who come to his; like they’re afraid or something.
    I called him out the other day, and I was called rude by one his groupies!
    I’m in the process of compiling a “best of” moshu, gonna post a blog….that I managed to put together with no help from him!
    Oh, and by the way-you can probably consider this post closed.

    Not closed yet…

    I also agree. I haven’t been on these forums for long but moshu is definately very rude and aggressive in his responses.

    Sometimes, I too search on these forums and find myself lacking on what to actually look for. So I post and get flamed when people reply with links. I’ve seen moshu do it also.

    Not everyone knows CSS, PHP or any of the other scripting languages. That shouldn’t stop them from working with this kind of software. I’m a self taught webmaster. As a kid I found out you could view the source that created these pages and I use to print off the source and play with it until I could make sites myself. I moved on from there. I’m now doing the same with CSS and PHP/MySQL and the thing is… I’M GETTING IT! But, sometimes getting some answers without attitude from those that know it already can go a long way.

    I don’t think we need to bash moshu really, I just hope he sees this and thinks before he clicks “Send Post” next time.

    do you people have ANY idea how frustrating it is when you make an effort to help someone and they dont even bother trying your suggestion before asking for more ideas? if youre too lazy to try suggestions, or dont take the time to read carefully before posting again, then just hire someone to fix it for you. you cant act like a flake and expect a sun shiny attitude from people who are actually making a FREE effort to help. Moshu helps a TON. he doesnt need to coddle anyone. hes frank and to the point with his help. no fluff. its great.

    that being said, along with adding a margin, you need to change the post background to transparent, currently its set to white;

    #post { background:#fff; margin:00px auto; padding:00px; width: 530px; float:left; }

    change background:#fff to background:transparent

    was that nice enough for you sensitive snoochie moochie woochies?


    hahaha boober, youre a classic, dear god I hope you stick around.

    smoochie woochie, bahahaha.

    this is what i love.. the ppl that dont read, but are so quick THIS yelling.

    THATS not yelling. Thats emphasising something for people that you know from YEARS of doing this, dont fricking read.

    Some of us deal with day in and day out..

    Heck Ive even started doing T H I S.

    Moshu has damn near 20,000 posts on this forum, think about that. If at times he is frustrated I don’t blame him for at times I too get frustrated at some of the questions and I’ve only been helping out for a year. Questions like “how do I make a link?” or “how do I change the colour of my title?” are basic html concepts explained in explicit detail by gazillions of tutorials all over the web.

    Many of the questions posed here are the same ones being asked over and over ad nauseum. The search feature here really does work.

    len, the biggest complainers tend to be the one hit wonders..not the ppl that help. that ought to tell you something.

    Thread Starter AdrianMoss


    I am the original poster and I did not understand exactly what syncbox was talking about and that is why I asked for help again. I am learning as I go and I appreciate those who help with out acting like I am ‘wasting their time’. If you don’t like my responses or don’t want to help I understand, but theres no need to act like a douchebag. Thanks again to those those who have helped me out.

    Thread Starter AdrianMoss


    I almost scarred to ask another question, but I still do not understand how I change my post background to transparent.

    I tried background:#transparent & background:transparent and the post background still remains white…

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